






Lungarno Collection


手工情怀 精致之旅

说到朗伽诺酒店集团,不得不提时尚品牌菲拉格慕及其创始人萨尔瓦多• 菲拉格慕(Salvatore Ferragamo)。1915 年,年仅16 岁的萨尔瓦多只身离开他工作的位于意大利博尼图的小鞋店,前往美国。经过多年努力奋斗,他破茧而出成为了“明星御用制鞋师”,为众多好莱坞女星设计并手工制作鞋子。

出于对祖国的眷恋,萨尔瓦多于1937 年回到意大利,定居佛罗伦萨,并召集当地坚持传统技艺精湛的专业制革工匠,在托纳波尼路的一座宏大的中世纪宫殿中开始经营起自己的鞋店,菲拉格慕这个经久不衰的品牌由此诞生。光顾鞋店的客人非富即贵,从电影明星到政界名人,从外交人员到王公贵族,正是与各路名人的广泛接触和对手工技艺的无限追求,为日后朗伽诺酒店品牌高尚的风采与深厚的底蕴奠定了基础。

1995 年,萨尔瓦多最小的儿子莱昂纳多(Leonardo) 创办朗伽诺酒店集团,现任主席的他表示:“对于我的家族来说,投身酒店事业可谓关键之举,因为这个行业和时尚领域非常相似,使我们有机会创造不同寻常的体验和持久弥新的记忆。我们的酒店各具特色,但都始终坚持我们的希望和愿景。集团的标志是一个六瓣花朵,源于象征佛罗伦萨的鸢尾花,邀请我们的客人体味意大利之美。”



目前,朗伽诺旗下拥有五家酒店,最有代表性的当属“肖像系列”的两家酒店罗马肖像酒店(Portrait Roma) 和佛罗伦萨肖像酒店(Portrait Firenze)。起名“肖像”原因何在?进入酒店一探便知。原来,在这两个酒店的墙面上展示着大量人物照片,尤以黑白照片为主,将20世纪5060 年代佛罗伦萨的黄金时期重现于客人眼前。

佛罗伦萨肖像酒店的建筑可以追溯到1200 年,当初是一座三层的豪华住宅,花园露台可以俯瞰阿诺河。几经易主与翻修,这座宫殿式建筑于19 世纪80 年代被改造成为一间服务设施一应俱全的奢华酒店,名为Grand Hotel Royal de l’Arno,在随后的一个世纪里招待过像英国小说家查尔斯• 狄更斯这样的名人。酒店毁于第二次时间大战的硝烟中,重建后曾作为他用,最终又变回酒店,收于朗伽诺酒店集团麾下。

在酒店的套房和公共区域所展示的照片中,20 世纪5060 年代来自世界各国的名人比比皆是,如意大利女高音歌唱家丽娜塔•苔巴尔迪著名美籍希腊女高音歌唱家玛丽亚•卡拉斯原比利时国王鲍德温美国演员格蕾丝•凯利等。当然,也不乏萨尔瓦多先生及其女儿菲玛的照片,与萨尔瓦多有过往来的著名设计师们也有所展示,如克里斯汀•迪奥伊尔莎•斯奇培尔莉等。



朗伽诺集团的每间酒店都拥有自己独特的“性格”,但承袭当地的文化历史和传统是其坚定不移的信念,客人入住其中可以体验到穿越时代之感,如同酒店的设计师米歇尔 博南所言:“我对于建筑的理解可以回溯到一个多世纪以前,那时不同的艺术形式,如雕塑油画,都可以与建筑完美和谐地融为一体。”

无论是由16 世纪建筑住宅翻修而成的朗伽诺酒店(Hotel Lungarno),还是重现佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期艺术之美的艺术廊酒店(Gallery Hotel Art),亦或是唤起对20 世纪中期意大利时装和电影之向往的大陆酒店(Continentale),设计大师米歇尔 博南对细节的要求都达到了极致精益求精。他最大的追求之一就是利用完美的艺术手段将室内设计和室外建筑一丝不苟地融为一体。


Pursuit of Exquisite Craftsmanship

When it comes to Lungarno Collection, the Ferragamo brand and its founder Salvatore Ferragamo cannot be ignored. He was only sixteen years of age when he lehis small shoe shop in Bonito in Italy and moved to America in 1915. Within very few years he became ‘e Shoemaker of the Stars‘, hand craing and designing footwear for the most famous Hollywood actresses. 

In 1937, he returned to Italy and chose to live in Florence, where he found cultured and professional leather artisans adhering to ancient traditions and opened his store in a grand medieval palace in the historic Via Tornabuoni, starting his own brand. His customers included lm stars, celebrities, diplomats, and nobility alike. e extensive contact with the upper class people and the pursuit of exquisite crasmanship laid a solid foundation for the Lungarno Collection.

”Entering the world of hospitality was very important to my family as it‘s very similar to the world of fashion, giving us the opportunity to create a different experience and lasting memories. 

All of our hotels are unique, yet consistent with our profound vision. The proud symbol of the Lungarno Collection is a six petal flower, inspired by the Florentine emblem of the red iris. It extends an invitation to our guests to discover the beauty of Italy in full bloom.” Although the Lungarno Collection was founded by Salvatore‘s youngest son Leonardo instead of Salvatore, people still consider the latter as as the first extraordinary hotelier of the brand, because it was he who installed a strong sense of refined hospitality and a deep love for Florence in his children.

Why Portrait

Currently, the Lungarno Collection has five hotels and two of them stand out Portrait Roma and Portrait Firenze. Why are they so named You will know it after stepping into the hotels. An enormous amount of photos can be found on the walls in the two hotels, especially black and white photos, presenting the 1950s60s Florence before the eyes of guests.

The building of the Portrait Firenze boasts an ageold and fascinating history dating back to the 1200‘s. It was a sumptuous threestory palazzo with terraced garden overlooking the Arno river. Then the ancient palazzo was converted into a luxury hotel named the Grand Hotel Royal de l‘Arno in the early 1800‘s after several changes of ownership and structural renovations, equipped with every modern comfort. The hotel accommodated quite a few inllustrious guests like Charles Dickens and his wife. Unfortunately, the building was bombed and destroyed during World War II. Rebuilt on its foundations and used for a variety of purposes, it then returned to its original purpose as a hotel, becoming part of the Lungarno Collection.

Photos in the suites and in public areas of the Portrait Firenze bring the city‘s golden period from the 50s to 60s back to life, when Italian high fashion took off and international celebrities started arriving, like Italian soprano singer Maria Callas, Greek soprano singer Renata Tebaldi, King Baudouin of Belgium, American actress Grace Kelly. Of course there are also photos of Salvatore Ferragamo, his daughter Fiamma Ferragamo, and some of the designers he has had dealings with, like Christian Dior and Elsa Schiaparelli. 

Portrait Roma is located throughout the upper floors of the townhouse directly above the Salvatore Ferragamo Men‘s Store on Via Condotti continues the artistic life and creative passion of Salvatore Ferragamo. Photos depicting the fashion heritage of Salvatore Ferragamo are displayed along the stairwells and in the guestrooms.

Art Exists Everywhere

Each hotel of the Lungarno Collection has its own personality, drawing inspiration from urban culture and history and making the guests feel as if going back to the good old days. The designer of the hotels Michele Bönan said, ”My concept of architecture goes back more than a century, when various arts, sculpture, painting and architecture, were fused together to find a harmonic unicum, with the decorations become one with the building.”

Whether it is the Hotel Lungarno which was renovated from a 16 century residence, or the Gallery Hotel Art which reproduces the beauty of the Florence Renaissance, or the Continetale Hotel which evokes Italian inspiration from the 1950‘s and 60‘s fashion and cinema period, design master Bönan‘s focus on detail reaches an extremely high level. One of his pursuits is to fuse the interior with the exterior in a perfectly artistic manner.

As a fashion brand that owns and manages hotels, the Ferragamo family inspired the Lungarno Collection with its unfailing spirit of innovation. Creative and profound Florentine craftsmanship and impeccable locations add to the style of the hotels. Whether it is on the most romantic stretch of the River Arno in Florence or the fashion street of Via Condotti in Rome, beauty, passion, attention to detail and sumptuous handcrafted materials are always featured by the hotels. Just like the fashion brand Ferragamo, the Lungarno Collection caters to the individuality of each guest.



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