





Le Strato, France


高雪维尔灵云酒店(The Strato)虽然只拥有25间客/套房,但在高雪维尔三峡谷(Three Valleys)滑雪胜地的众多酒店中不可小觑。酒店坐落与BoixVive家族的庄园内,承袭着家族对滑雪运动的热情,并为宾客营造出无比温馨的家般感受。

灵云酒店将艺术优雅完美地融入其内部装饰之中。或许床头的一幅巴洛克时期的油画或者书桌上的一座16世纪制成的彩雕会让你定睛片刻,幻想其背后的创作初衷。移步图书室,你一定会被BoixVive家族艺术大师Anselme BoixVives (18991969)的画作吸引,甚至意欲了解这位超现实主义大师不可思议的职业生涯。

位于滑雪胜地,灵云酒店自然少不了对于滑雪爱好者的关怀。在追求细致与完美的驱使下,酒店的滑雪室好似一座宝库,您可以随意租用和购买滑雪用具。酒店提供定制雪板服务,图案有男士和女士之分,分别由美国著名涂鸦艺术家乔一(JonOne)和法国著名插画师索莱达布拉维(Soledad Bravi)设计,吸引着艺术爱好者的目光。


面对高山进行一次冥想是个可遇不可求的体验。悉瓦南达瑜伽大师Tom Costerg的私人瑜伽课程平衡身心,坚实肌肉,是滑雪之余的绝佳选择。

Although it has only 25 rooms and suites, Le Strato Courchevel cannot be ignored in the Three Valleys area. The hotel stands proudly in the BoixVive family’s estate, inheriting the family’s enthusiasm for skiing and providing a home atmosphere for the guests.

Le Strato combines art into its decoration elegantly. Maybe a baroque painting over the headboard or a 16th century polychrome statue on the desk will draw your attention and make you want to explore what motivated the artist to create it. Stepping into the library, you won’t be able to tear your eyes away from the paintings created by the art brut master Anselme BoixVives (18991969). You will have the desire to discover the artist’s incredible career.

Situated in a popular ski resort, Le Strato takes great care of ski enthusiasts. With an eye for detail and perfection, the ski room is designed like a treasure chest where you rent or buy your equipment. Even art enthusiasts will delight in the customization of two pairs of Strato skis by the US graffiti and painter JonOne and the French illustrator Soledad Bravi. 

In the evening, when the sun blows out, what could be more magical than to listen to the perfect sound of classical music from Cabas speakers while you are curled up in a pashmina on a deckchair with a glass of champagne in your hand

Meditating and doing breathing exercises while facing the mountain is a rare opportunity. Tom Costerg, a qualified Sivananda yoga coach, offers onetoone classes or classes for two to sooth and balance body and mind while gently enabling muscle strengthening. 



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