

OZEN by Atmosphere at Maadhoo, Maldives


艾茉菲尔酒店集团 马尔代夫一价全包的典范

极度依赖进口导致了马尔代夫物价的昂贵。这里奢华酒店客房mini bar的一包零食收费15美金,餐厅里点一道沙拉要价30美金,虽在情理之中,却无法让客人尽兴。


奥臻岛 沙滩别墅VS海上别墅

沙屋还是水屋? 2016年7月新开业的奥臻岛拥有41栋沙滩别墅和49栋海上别墅,将马尔代夫的两款特色房型演绎得浪漫至极,更有每天补充两次无限畅饮的mini bar锦上添花。

带泳池的沙滩别墅面积达185平米,拥有8米长的无边室外泳池,宽敞温馨的室内为客人带来一宿好眠,独立在后院的露天淋浴和浴缸尽显奢华。热带植物掩映下,房门前的大型露台通向雪白松软沙滩,绿松石色的浅海与更远处的湛蓝深海交汇,海子诗句 “我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开”让国人对向海而居有憧憬,而住在奥臻岛的沙滩别墅每次推开房门径直走向大海时,这个憧憬都得到深深的满足。

卡尼富士岛 全马尔代夫首家纯素食餐厅

卡尼富士岛于2013年12月开业,是艾茉菲尔酒店集团在马尔代夫的首家豪华酒店,奠定了品牌一价全包制的服务特色。卡尼富士岛自豪地拥有马尔代夫第一家纯素食餐厅Just Veg,是素食者在马尔代夫梦寐以求的美食天堂,精致美味的菜肴融合地中海,阿拉伯和印度等地风味,即便是纯粹的肉食者也会被美味征服。不过对于肉食者而言,在卡尼富士岛的美食之旅一定是日式铁板烧餐厅TEPPANYAKI GRILL和纯素餐厅Just Veg轮流光顾,体验一下两种风格的绝佳搭配。

奥露岛 潜水爱好者的天堂


Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts The Paragon of AllIncluded price in Maldives

Extreme reliance upon import has caused the high price in Maldives. When the snack in the mini bar costs 15 a pack and a plate of salad at 30, it‘s not something to feel delightful about, though within reason.

Since its founding in 2014, the single most critical core value that the Atmosphere hospitality brand cherishes is the Joy of Giving Now all three resort hotels in Kanifushi, Oblu and Ozen promise ”All Included in One Price” policy, which the guests won‘t be troubled by hidden additional charges, and who won‘t love this holiday

OZEN by Atmosphere at Maadhoo

Earth Villas or Water Villas Opened in July 2016, OZEN by Atmosphere at Maadhoo comprises 41 Earth Villas and 49 Water Villas, all romantic representations of the Maldivian houses. Don‘t forget the twicerefilled and unlimited mini bar.

The 185 sqm Earth Villas with pool has a 8m long outdoor infinity pool, spacious indoor space for a good sleep and the luxurious outdoor monsoon shower and bathtub. Shadowed by the tropical plants, the big deck by the door front leads to soft white beach, and further ahead, the green shallow sea connects with the deep blue sea. The poet Haizi said: ”In my house by the sea, warmed by the spring air.” This has inspired the longing of sealiving of the Chinese people. Every time you push open the door and walk towards directly to the sea, you know you are deeply satisfied.

Atmosphere Kanifushi Maldives, the first vegetarian restaurant in Maldives

Opened in December 2013, Kanifushi is the first luxury hotel of Atmosphere in Maldives, and sets the standard of Allincluded price service. Just Veg is the first vegetarian restaurant in Maldives, the food includes Mediterranean, Arab and Indian flavors, even the pure meat eater will surrender. But for the meat eaters, they will visit Teppanyaki Grill and Just Veg in turn, to experience the combo of two excellent food options.

OBLU by Atmosphere at Helengeli, Maldives, The heaven for divers

Opened by the end of 2015, Oblu is the second luxury hotel in Maldives and is located on the Helengeli Island– renowned for its exotic house reef and marine trench diving, making a heaven for diving lovers. The dive spot happens to be at the entrance of the atolls and the marine trench, where plankton fish live. To have an allincluded one price feast that comes with diving, this is how Ozen becomes unforgettable.



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