

Zentis Osaka


开业于2020年的大阪曾提斯酒店,是日本奢华酒店品牌皇宫酒店集团(Palace Hotel Group )旗下 Zentis 品牌的首间酒店,自开业以来,凭借精致摩登的设计风格招牌的日式待客之道以及 UPSTAIRZ Lounge, Bar & Restaurant 出众的餐饮体验,迅速成为近年来大阪城市中心最受欢迎的高级设计酒店之一。

大阪曾提斯酒店位于Dojimahama河畔商业区和KitaShinchi高端娱乐区交汇处,如同一座都市绿洲,连接起艺术地标中之岛和大阪站的商业交通枢纽。作为大阪首间 Design Hotels 系列酒店成员,大阪曾提斯酒店重新定义了大阪都会酒店的时尚风格。酒店共有十六层,212 间客房,由知名英国设计公司 Tara Bernerd & Partners 担纲室内设计,整体传达出融合工业时尚与温暖悠闲气息的现代大都会艺术风格。酒店内处处可以感受到日本传统文化与现代艺术的邂逅,客房内由滋贺名窑精心制作的信乐烧床头柜灵感来自书道(shodo)的壁纸装饰,以及出自当地艺术家之手的现代作品,处处令人感受到大阪的城市气质。

酒店现已推出Stay & Savor套餐,包含两晚酒店住宿以及在入选米其林精选餐厅的UPSTAIRZ享用早餐和下午茶。UPSTAIRZ明亮摩登,极具现代设计感,在这里享受兼具法式优雅与日式细腻的美食,和极具艺术气息的下午茶,也是到访大阪不可错过的体验。

Opened in 2020, Zentis Osaka is the debut property of Palace Hotel Group‘s Zentis label. Since its opening, the hotel has quickly become one of the most popular premium design hotels in Osaka‘s city centre in recent years, thanks to its sophisticated and modern design, signature Japanese hospitality, and outstanding dining experience at the UPSTAIRZ Lounge, Bar & Restaurant.

Located at the intersection of the Dojimahama riverside business district and the KitaShinchi highend entertainment district, Zentis Osaka is an urban oasis connecting the art landmark of Nakanoshima with the vibrant Osaka Station retail and transport hub. As the first addition to the handpicked portfolio of Design Hotels™ in Osaka, Zentis Osaka redefines the fashionable style of Osaka‘s metropolitan hotels. The 16storey, 212room hotel was designed by renowned UK design firm Tara Bernerd & Partners, and conveys a modern, cosmopolitan, art deco style that blends industrial chic with a warm, laidback vibe. The hotel‘s traditional Japanese culture meets modern art, with guest rooms featuring shigarakiyaki bedside tables crafted in the kilns of Shiga, shodoinspired wallpaper installations and contemporary works by local artists, all evoking Osaka‘s urban vibe.

The hotel is now offering a Stay & Savor package, which includes a twonight stay as well as breakfast and afternoon tea at Michelinselected UPSTAIRZ, a bright, contemporary dining space where French elegance meets Japanese sophistication, and where the artful afternoon tea is an experience to be had in Osaka.



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