

The RitzCarlton Dubai






迪拜丽思卡尔顿酒店坐拥4万平方米花园景观,安达卢西亚式的建筑造型之内是高级优雅的英式格调,点缀着本土阿拉伯风情元素。甫入酒店,两位身穿红色裙装的女礼宾员热情地上前问候,经了解得知这是丽思卡尔顿酒店特有的品牌体验。大堂坐落在建筑中央, 294间客/套房沿两侧建筑延伸开来,所有房间全部面海,坐在阳台可以眺望整个棕榈岛全貌和壮阔的阿拉伯海。送行李的资深礼宾来自菲律宾,今年已经50岁,在酒店工作了16年,他热情细致地向我介绍着熟悉得不能再熟悉的客房设施,丝毫不显潦草,言谈间流露着对这间迪拜典范酒店的深情。



迪拜丽思卡尔顿酒店共有9间餐厅,这奠定了酒店在城中的重量级地位。由几位迪拜最好的厨师制定的菜单,使你足不出户便可品尝到顶级菜肴。最受欧美人欢迎的当属亚洲餐厅BLUE JADE,在这里可以找到东南亚日本和中国的各式佳肴。

AMASEENA是酒店的中东风味餐厅,颇受本地客人喜爱,每当傍晚降临,酒店花园中便会摆上由红色布艺装饰的布菲台和席地沙发餐椅,香艳的颜色令人立刻对即将开始的晚宴浮想联翩,果然,一阵阿拉伯歌舞表演瞬间将你带入角色,随后整个夜晚都洋溢在由美食水烟肚皮舞营造的流光溢彩之中,俨然穿越到沙漠民族贝都因的流浪与浪漫生命中。在这个备受欧美人喜爱的度假酒店中,意大利餐一定是必选项,这就是SPLENDIDO餐厅。这里的氛围有点像托斯卡纳乡间的庄园,闲适随意,到处都是愉快的轻松,主厨告诉我,餐厅以前定位为Fine Dining,客人需要正襟危坐一丝不苟,幸好经历了改造,之后便调整为Casual Dining,气氛对多了。正赶上餐厅推广威尼斯餐,小牛肉和鳕鱼鲜嫩地没话说,但最令我啧啧赞叹的是那一小碗墨鱼面,黝黑的墨鱼汁咸鲜适中,口留余香,意大利美食留给世人的家的味道油然而生,果然名不虚传。

美食之美是舌尖上的享受,水疗之美便要美到灵魂了。迪拜丽思卡尔顿酒店的水疗中心为宾客洗去疲惫重获新生提供了一处灵魂的避难所。 12间理疗室提供从亚洲到欧洲共计35项各色体验,从肌肉缓解到芳香疗愈,从最古老的东方理疗到最新科技的美容美体,一场唤醒身心灵的旅程,从这里开始。

A Mediterranean Gem on Marina Walk

With the subtle grandeur of its lowrise Mediterranean style buildings, The RitzCarlton Dubai occupies a prime location on Dubai‘s cosmopolitan The Walk on JBR. A dazzling pearl of the sea surrounded by a shining crown of skyscrapers, the resort is brimming with luxury vacation experiences under the bright sunshine of Middle East.

A Resort Pretty Much Favored by the European Guests

Nestled on an expansive private beach with the breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf and out over the fronds of Palm Jumeirah, The RitzCarlton Dubai is a secluded oasis in the heart of new Dubai. The resort offers guests a respite from busy daily life, in a place where traditional Arabian hospitality is enlivened with velvet jasmine flavors.

The RitzCarlton Dubai is set amongst nearly 400,000 square feet of tranquil gardens landscaped in the Andalusian style and fronted by a private whitesand beach. The graceful interiors dotted with local Arab style elements. Upon entering the resort, I was warmly greeted by two young girls in red dress, which I later understood is the unique brand experience of the RitzCarlton, the Concierge. A perfectly paired setting that bears all the hallmarks of classic RitzCarlton hospitality begin the journey in an elegant locale. The 294 guestrooms and suites are designed for relaxation, or as quiet working spaces, with sea facing views of the hotel‘s manicured gardens and beach from secluded balconies. The bellman who was from the Philippines, 50 years around, worked in the resort for years, introduced room facilities that he‘s most familiar with in an earnest way. I could feel his affection for this quintessential Dubai resort where the authentic Arabian hospitality meets unrivalled levels of service delivered with personality and warmth courtesy.

The resort has totally six swimming pools including 2 shaded children‘s pools, one with a water slide for younger visitors. I think this is probably the most popular places for European guests. After 10 o‘clock in the morning, sunbathers are everywhere by the pools and the beach in the distance, which made me feel being in the Mediterranean coast of southern Spain.

Spaghetti al Nero di Seppia and Harmony in Body and Mind

Awardwinning gastronomy is a cornerstone of The Ritz Carlton, Dubai, and 9 restaurants featuring handpicked menus prepared by some of the city‘s most respected chefs, take diners on yet another journey with exotic flavors from Asia and Arabia to the Mediterranean. BLUE JADE is a Pan Asian restaurant and diners are taken on a journey through Southeast Asia with awardwinning cuisine that combines flavors from Thailand, Singapore, Japan and China. The Middle Eastern cuisine restaurant AMASEENA assembles Bedouininspired tents scattered beneath twinkling desert skies. Amaseena is an outdoor restaurant that captures the romance of Arabia. Accompanied with shisha, live music and belly dancing, one could enjoy a traditional buffet featuring delicacies from Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan, Syria and beyond. Italian food is essential in this primary resort, and this is SPLENDIDO. The atmosphere here is a bit like a country estate in Tuscany, with casual atmosphere and pleasant relaxation everywhere. The chef told me that the restaurant used to be positioned as Fine Dining and the guests needed to sit down and pay attention to details. Fortunately, after the renovation, it was changed to a Casual Dining restaurant with a relaxed and distinctive experience. The restaurant was promoting Venetian food. Veal and cod fish were fresh and tender. However, what impressed me most was the small bowl of cuttlefish noodles. The dark cuttlefish sauce was salty and fresh, remaining the fragrance in the mouth.

Gourmet is artful for the tongue and spa is beautiful to the soul. The resort‘s leisure offering comes full circle at The RitzCarlton Spa which features a variety of treatments, both relaxing and invigorating. The RitzCarlton Spa, Dubai is a sanctuary infused with Arabesque detailing throughout, and is a careful blend of Eastern traditions, with European and Asian techniques. The spa features 12 treatment rooms and the bespoke menu features over 35 experiences ranging from massages, custom facials, treatment enhancements, collections and rituals.



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