

Le Bristol Paris




巴黎近二十家顶级酒店都有着相近的年龄和显赫的身世,奥斯曼男爵从19 世纪中叶开始主持的那场三十年城市大规划不仅赋予了巴黎今日的迷人面貌,而且孕育出欧洲大陆第一批真正意义上的法式古典豪华大酒店Classic Luxury Hotel。第一次世界大战结束后,1925年开业的Le Bristol Paris布里斯托酒店就是其中最为显要的一家。


Le Bristol Paris 创始人Hippolyte Jammet出生于餐饮世家,曾在Le Meurice和柏林Adlon饭店深度解读了顶级酒店运作,梦想建设一座优雅现代的豪华酒店,为巴黎的旅人提供一个备受关怀与宠爱的家。1923年, Jammet 购下位于街道Faubourg SaintHonoré的一处顶级私邸,法国总统官邸爱丽舍宫彼时就坐落于这条街,AmarniLavin等奢侈品牌纷纷在此开了第一家门店,Faubourg 街因此声名显赫。经过两年细节苛求的锻造,Le Bristol Paris开业,以前所未有的极高标准和定制化服务诠释了法式生活艺术,很快成为来往Faubourg大街的名流政要们下榻之首选,更有传闻法国前第一夫人布吕尼最爱的酒店便是Le Bristol Paris。

二战期间,Le Bristol Paris与旁边的美国使馆签下协议,成了美国使馆人员的驻扎地和美国公民的避难所,酒店当时秘密庇护的一些人,更是为帮助难民顺利逃脱战乱立下了汗马功劳。战后的巴黎褪去了往昔的光芒,巴黎的豪华酒店也逐渐人气下滑,而被时尚大牌环绕的Le Bristol Paris却热闹不减,1954年第一家皮尔卡丹精品店在Faubourg大街开业,继而更多品牌也在此落户,明星模特买手等时尚圈重要人物一时之间纷纷涌入酒店,而为了获得一手的时装照片,这里也成了时尚摄影师们的驻扎之地。


Le Bristol Paris 被称为巴黎第一家宫殿酒店。酒店本身并非由宫殿改造,撑得起这个头衔,全因Le Bristol在苛求细节与宏观感受间的完美平衡。虽然已有近百年历史,历经数次重修,Le Bristol Paris仍保留着许多欧洲奢华酒店的传统,入住酒店前台递过来的不是一张薄薄房卡而是一把沉甸甸的钥匙,拿在手里家的归属感油然而生;虽然酒店内有数部现代化电梯,但酒店建立之初就在的老锻铁电梯仍被完好保存,当推开颇有重量的铁门时,仿佛也推开了曾经的老巴黎。酒店内所有的工作人员全部聘于最优中的最优,为顾客带来真正宫殿级的服务,当你全然忘记何时打了个照面,他们却连你早餐的喜好都记住了。

住在Le Bristol Paris,不论在哪个角落“宫殿感”都如影随形。秉着每个顾客都是独一无二的信条,不仅服务定制化,其190个客房也全部单独设计无一重复,将路易十五时期的奢华和路易十六时期的优雅相结合,每一间都诠释着独有的历史;自1968年Oetker集团收购Le Bristol Paris后,热衷于艺术收藏的Oetker家族便持续为酒店增添艺术装饰,包括挂画雕像古董吊灯等当代古代作品,在酒店漫步仿佛置身一座私人博物馆;6层的泳池更是复刻了20年代航船的气派,由希腊船王奥纳西斯的游艇设计师Pinnau设计,整体犹如一座正向前行驶的游轮。 当然对于一座法式宫殿来说其灵魂在于它的花园,Le Bristol Paris中心藏有一片1200平米的法式花园,其面积之大至今巴黎无任何一家酒店可比,偶尔举行的露天艺术展也是到艺术之都发现惊喜的好地方。艺术之都也是美食之都,Le Bristol Paris的米其林三星餐厅Epicure和米其林一星餐厅 114 Faubourg非常值得一试,宫殿级的品味可谓实至名归。

最后,没有和FaRaon相遇等于没来过Le Bristol Paris。FaRaon这只美丽傲娇的布偶猫是酒店最忠实的长住客,也是Le Bristol Paris的“王子”,作为酒店的镇店之宝不仅拥有自己的房间,还出席各种活动穿大牌私人订制头顶明星光环,你随时可能在大堂的休息处或前台桌子上遇见它,但它最喜欢的还是大自然,所以,住进Le Bristol Paris不妨和“王子”在花园邂逅吧

First le palace Hotel in Paris Le Bristol Paris

Not many cities in the world are qualified to write the history of hotel evolution. The strong price of Paris hotels, almost never experienced a weak season, still towers over New York and London, and behind the proud price, lies many legendary, dreamy and wonderful scripts.

Nearly 20 top hotels in Paris have very similar ages and illustrious backgrouds. The 30year long City Plan hosted by Baron Osman from the mid19th century not only gave Paris a fascinating look today, but also gave birth to the first Classic Luxury Hotels in continental Europe. After the end of the First World War, Le Bristol Paris, opened in 1925, was one of the most prominent ones.

The Preferred One from Beginning to End

Born into a family of food and beverages, founder of Le Bristol Paris, Hippolyte Jammet, had thoroughly internalised the operation of top hotels by training in Le Meurice and the Hotel Adlon in Berlin, and dreamt of building an elegant and modern luxury hotel to offer a caring and pampering home for the travellers in Paris. In 1923, Jammet bought a top private residence on the street Faubourg SaintHonoré. The French presidential residence Elysee Palace was located in this street. Amarni, Lavin and other luxury brands opened their first stores here, therefore, Faubourg Street became famous. After two years of demanding designing, Le Bristol Paris opened, and its interpretation of the French art of living, with its unprecedented high standards and customized services, soon became the first choice for celebrities and politicians who traveled to and from Faubourg Street. It was said that Bruni‘s favorite hotel is none other than Le Bristol Paris.

During the Second World War, Le Bristol Paris signed an agreement with the US Embassy next to it, and became a refuge for US embassy staff and American citizens. Some people who were secretly sheltered at the time were also helping refugees to escape the war successfully. After the war, the city halo of Paris faded, and luxury hotels in Paris gradually declined, but Le Bristol Paris, surrounded by fashion big names, was still bustling. In 1954, the first Pierre Cardin boutique opened on Faubourg Street, and then more brands have also settled here. Stars, models, buyers and other fashion VIPs have flocked to Le Bristol Paris, and in order to get firsthand fashion photos, it has also become the place where the fashion photographers were stationed.

The True ”Palace”

Le Bristol Paris is known as the first palace hotel in Paris. Though the hotel itself was not remodeled after a palace, it was able to stand up to this title, all due to its perfect balance between fastidious details and the general outlook. Although it has been nearly a hundred years old and has undergone several restorations, Le Bristol still retains the tradition of many European luxury hotels. From the hotel reception, you are not handed a thin room card but a heavy key, the sense of home and belonging is immediate; although there are several modern elevators in the hotel, the old wrought iron elevators that were built at the beginning of the hotel are still preserved. When the heavy weight iron gates are pushed open, it seems to have opened the old days in Paris. All the staff employed in the hotel are the best among the best, bringing true palacelevel service to customers. When you completely forget even where you have greeted each other, they have already had your breakfast preferences in mind.

Living in Le Bristol Paris, ”the feeling of the palace” follows you everywhere. Adhering to the creed that each customer is unique, not only is the service here customized, but also the 190 rooms are individually designed without any repetition, combining the luxury of Louis XV and the elegance of the Louis XVI period, with each room showing an interpretation of a unique history; since the acquisition of Le Bristol Paris by the Oetker Group in 1968, the Oetker family, who is passionate about art collections, continues to add art to the hotel, including contemporary and ancient arts such as paintings, statues, antiques, chandeliers, and strolling around the hotel is like visiting a private museum; on the 6th floor, designed by the yacht designer Pinnau of the Greek shipping magnate Onassis, the swimming pool resembles the deck of a majestic sailboat from the 1920‘s, navigating a sunny coastline. Of course, for a French palace, its soul lies in its garden. The center of Le Bristol Paris houses a 1,200squaremeter French garden, the largest among all hotels in Paris. The occasional openair art exhibitions held here are also great opportunities to find new surprises. The capital of art is also the capital of food. its threeMichelinstarred restaurant Epicure and the oneMichelinstarred restaurant 114 Faubourg are well worth a try, with their welldeserved palaceclass tastes.

In the end, not meeting FaRaon is equivalent to having not come to Le Bristol Paris. FaRaon, a beautiful and sacred Cat of Burma, is a permanent guest at Le Bristol Paris, and also the prince of Le Bristol Paris. As the treasure of the hotel, he not only has his own room, but also attends various functions and wears private custom outfits like a celebrity. You can meet him on the concierge‘s desk, the lobby chairs or among the garden paths, the nature being his favorite. So while staying in Le Bristol Paris, why not hang out with the prince in the garden 



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