

MacDonald Randolph Hotel


哥特老店 精益求精

在知识界, 无人不晓牛津大学; 来过牛津大学的人, 也无人不知麦克唐纳德鲁道夫酒店(MacDonald Randolph Hotel)。说来话长,我在牛津上学的时候,就一直向往着有一天能够入住鲁道夫,倒不是因为这家酒店够贵气,而是因为这间酒店独特的历史。



(William Wilkinson)的建筑师开始小有名气。


来矫情,喜欢就外观风格和内在装饰结构的合理性与可行性进行辩论。维多利亚时代主要的艺术评论家之一拉斯金(John Ruskin)认为哥特式的建筑甚为美观,正如鲁道夫旁边的阵亡烈士纪念碑那样。但哪怕是这么有名的一位艺术评论家,也无法一锤定音。牛津城市管理者说,根据城市规划,这间酒店应当是古典式,因为其所在的Beaumont街其他建筑是19世纪经典的摄政风格。



An Everimproving Old Gothic Hotel

In the intellectual circles, Oxford University is known to everybody, and for those who have been to Oxford University, MacDonald Randolph Hotel is known to everyone. In fact, I have been longing to stay in MacDonald Randolph Hotel since I was studying in Oxford. It is not because of the luxury it exhibits, but the unique history it conveys.

The middle class now live in the northern part of Oxford. In 20th century, Myanmar‘ s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi lived in this area with her husband Michael who taught at Oxford University. At that time, an architect named William Wilkinson began to become famous.

Wilkerson was later spotted and invited to design a hotel in today‘s Oxford city center. The Oxford people enjoyed the debate on the rationality and feasibility of the external style and the structure of the internal decoration. The major Victorian art critic John Ruskin was in favour of Sir George Gilbert Smiths‘  gothic revivial, e.g. the martyrs‘  memorial. But even such a famous art critic cannot give the final word. The city council advocated the classical design and did not want to see the neogothic style extended into Georgian Beaumont Street. 

At the same time there was much debate over the design of the building. Eventually, a compromise was reached and a simplified gothic design was accepted, described as ”Scottish Early English” , following the example of the University Museum and the Union Debating Society. It is now difficult to trace how the internal decoration was decided, since after changing hands several times, the layout and decoration have changed greatly still.



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