
香港K11 ARTUS寓馆

香港K11 ARTUS寓馆




2019年,由郑志刚博士主导,汇集全球百位建筑师和设计师耗时10年耗资200亿港币打造的维港文化汇Victoria Dockside在尖沙咀问世,这是香港新世界集团目前最瞩目的城市综合体项目,为香港带来近几年最激动人心的变化。

作为维港文化汇的两个核心内容,人文购物艺术馆K11 MUSEA缤纷多彩热闹非凡,楼上的K11 ARTUS寓馆却闹中取静独享一份清幽,稍不留意连一楼低调的入口都错过,两者构成鲜明对比。

独具艺术匠心的K11 ARTUS寓馆,提供一种欣赏维多利亚港的全新视角,涌动尖沙咀的全新能量。

Where to shop in Hong Kong Where to visit exhibitions Where to enjoy food, the night view of Victoria Harbour, and experience the latest charm and fashion of Hong Kong

There is one place that can fulfill all desires.

In 2019, led by Dr. Adrian Cheng and imagined by 100 architects and designers from around the world, Victoria Dockside was unveiled in Tsim Sha Tsui after 10 years of effort and an investment of HKD 20 billion. This is the most iconic landmark by New World Group in Hong Kong, bringing about the most exciting changes the city has seen in recent years.

As the two core elements of Victoria Dockside, K11 MUSEA, a vibrant and lively hub of shopping, art and culture, stands out with its inspirational ambiance. On the other hand, K11 ARTUS, located atop, offers a serene and tranquil retreat, so quiet that one might easily overlook its discreet entrance on the ground floor. These two components create an interesting juxtaposition.

The innovative K11 ARTUS provides a unique perspective to appreciate Victoria Harbour and embraces the vibrant energy of Tsim Sha Tsui. 



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