

Hotel Ritz Paris


巴黎丽兹酒店:沉睡四年 美人初醒

这样一间极富传奇色彩的酒店所在的建筑可以追溯到18世纪,那时她还是一座贵族宅邸。1898年,曾使伦敦萨伏伊酒店(The Savoy London)一举成名的酒店经营者恺撒丽兹(César Ritz)和他的法国厨师朋友奥古斯特埃科菲(Auguste Escoffier)将这座建筑收入囊中并将其改造成为酒店,并以自己的名字命名。Ritzy在英语中的意思是奢华,时尚和高雅,想必这也是恺撒丽兹建造这座酒店的初衷。

作为欧洲最早引入独立浴室电话及电力的酒店之一,丽兹酒店的宗旨一直是为富庶的宾客提供“王子居所般的舒适与优雅”。1934年,可可香奈儿带着自己的家具入住酒店,这一住就是37年,直到1971年因心脏病发作在自己的套房内溘然离世。在这里,她幽会过自己的情人俄罗斯音乐家斯特拉文斯基,也曾接待过达利毕加索这样的艺术家,她曾向世界告白,“丽兹,我的家”(Le Ritz, c‘est ma maison)。

2012年,从丽兹家族手中购得巴黎丽兹酒店的埃及富商默罕默德阿尔法耶德(Mohamed AlFayed)希望重塑丽兹酒店昔日的辉煌,于是决定暂停酒店的营业,进行全面升级改造。此次可谓酒店历史上最大规模的改造,耗时4年之久,花费高达1.5亿美金。


Hotel Ritz Paris: The Beauty Wakes Up After a FourYear Sleep

The building of such a legendary hotel can be traced back to 18th century, when she was still a noble residence. In 1898, the hotelier César Ritz , who had brought the Savoy London to success purchased the building in collaboration with his French chef friend Auguste Escoffier and transformed it into a hotel, naming it after his own name. Ritzy, in English, is defined as luxurious, fashionable and elegant. Presumably, this is also the original intention of César Ritz.

As one of the earliest hotels in Europe to provide the en suite bathroom, the telephone and electricity, Hotel Ritz Paris has been aiming to provide wealthy guests with “all the refinement that a prince could desire in his own home.” In 1934, Coco Chanel checked into the hotel with her own furniture and the stay eventually lasted 37 years until her sudden death caused by a heart attack. Here, she dated her lover, Russian musician Igor Stravinsky and received artists like Salvador Daly and Pablo Picasso. She once told the world, “Le Ritz, c‘est ma maison” (Ritz, my home).

In 2012, Egyptian businessman Mohamed AlFayed, who purchased Hotel Ritz Paris from the Ritz family, hoped to restore the past glory of the hotel, so he decided to stop its operation and undertake a thorough renovation. This was the largest renovation in the history of the hotel, spanning four years and costing up to US150 million.

The number of guestrooms was cut from 159 to 142, including 71 suites. All the suites are decorated with museumlevel antiques and equipped with floor heating; the exquisitely crafted walls and delicate wall decorations create a lowkey private space, and the classical art works highlight a sense of elegance and luxury. The interior design inherits tradition and ingeniously integrates cuttingedge technologies, not only increasing the space of the rooms, but also the reproducing the silky texture of the neoclassical style in a perfect manner. All the suites are bathed in bright sunshine, some of which have a private terrace, where the guests can enjoy the beautiful French garden and the panoramic view of Place Vendôme. All these lead to the most enjoyable experience in Paris. 



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