

The Peninsula Bangkok




岁月流金中面目如昨的广阔空间是酒店用心布置的舞台,我入住的时候恰好赶上三件趣事。首先是泰国首次举办的2018曼谷艺术双年展,曼谷半岛酒店正是20个展场之一。印尼艺术家Heri Dono 的装置作品《The Female Angels》悬挂在大堂空中迎客,客人按下按钮, 5个小人偶就扇动翅膀嘤嘤唱起歌来。大堂吧的两处屏幕则放映着泰国女艺术家Kawita Vatanajyankur的先锋视频艺术作品,让人思考泰国女性的工作状况和平等权利。

2018年正值曼谷半岛酒店欢庆开业20周年,推出多达20种体验当地特色的活动,每位酒店员工的制服上都别着古驰御用设计师泰国艺术家Phannapast Taychamaythakool设计的彩色莲花标志。第三件趣事自然是喜迎圣诞季,同为艺术家Phannapast设计的圣诞挂历每天下午五点会自动打开一扇窗送出巧克力糖果玩具等小礼品,来参加晚宴的身姿挺拔的军官都喜欢在圣诞挂历前拍照。







第一次坐船是在曼谷半岛酒店的专属码头,入夜后可乘着夜游船去河畔夜市Asiatique The Riverfront,水量丰沛的河水荡着荡着就荡进了心里。湄南河的妩媚与灵性,两岸寺庙佛塔赋予此地的祥和与善意,与这一场霓虹闪烁,游人如梭的人间烟火交织着,我住在曼谷半岛酒店期间感受到了一座城市的魅力。

Amidst the Ripples of the Chao Phraya River

In December 2018, I visited Bangkok for the first time on a business trip and stayed in The Peninsula Bangkok. On the evening of December 9th, I was sitting in the sofa in the lobby waiting for my friends. Feeling comfortable and relaxed, I suddenly realized that this was my favorite hotel so far. I adored the walls and columns being wrapped in complete Thai teak, bringing people a sense of time.

During my stay in the hotel, I just caught up with three interesting events. The first was the 2018 Bangkok Art Biennale held in Thailand for the first time, with The Peninsula Bangkok as one of the 20 exhibition venues. Indonesian artist Heri Dono‘s installation ”The Female Angels” hung in the lobby to welcome guests. When pressed the button, the five little dolls would flap their wings and sing songs. Two screens in the lobby bar showcased the pioneering video art of Thai female artist Kawita Vatanajyankur, who made people think about the working conditions and equal rights of Thai women.

Then came the 20th anniversary celebrations of The Peninsula Bangkok, launching up to 20 experiences of local specialties. Each hotel staff‘s uniform was decorated with the colorful lotus logo designed by Gucci‘s Thai designer artist Phannapast Taychamaythakool. The third interesting event was the celebration of Christmas season. The Christmas calendar designed also by artist Phannapast would automatically open a window at 5 pm every day to send out chocolate, candy, toys and other small gifts.

A Room with a River View

For the Chao Phraya River to be seen in all rooms, the 39storey building was designed in a waved W shape. The floortoceiling window of the deluxe room is located at a protruding corner behind the executive desk and chair, like a 180degree viewing platform. The design of the rooms is loved for its secured privacy. The bedroom has its own doors just like home. The spacious dressing room is separated from the bedroom and bathroom, suitable for ladies and socialites. Two wash basins are on two sides of the bathtub in the marble bathroom. When the hotel staff cleans up the bathroom, items of two guests will not be mixed.

What makes people smile is the desktop Sony TV that is embedded in the wall of the bathtub. 20 years ago, it meant the pursuit of high quality, and now it has the nostalgic connotation like that of a classical telephone. In fact, The Peninsula is one of the few brands that has a Room technology research and development center, its  technological innovation has always been at the forefront. Nowadays, when the guests are led into the room, the curtains will automatically open, surprising the guests with the beautiful scenery of the Chao Phraya River.

Beauty Ashore

The Peninsula Bangkok has become a beautiful scenery on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River.

The first time I had dinner by the river was at the Thiptara restaurant at The Peninsula Bangkok. The name Thiptara has the meaning of ”water of paradise” in Thai, and this venue is surrounded by tall eucalyptus trees and tropical plants. The table choice is best with a river view, one can also choose to dine in a traditional Thai pavilion. The Thai cuisines here include dishes such as Tom Yum Goong soup, red curry roast duck, pork satay, Thaistyle grilled seafood. The rice is served with two bamboo baskets, one is original Thai rice and the other one is added with delicious coconut oil.

After night falls, one can take a night cruise to the riverside night market, Asiatique The Riverfront, from the exclusive dock at The Peninsula Bangkok. The abundant waters found a way into your heart. The charm and spirituality of the Chao Phraya River and the temple stupas on both sides of the river brought the place peace and goodwill,intertwined with the neon flashes and tourists. I have truly experienced the charm of a city when I stayed at The Peninsula Bangkok. 



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