

Kimpton De Witt Amsterdam



作为艺术设计的中心,阿姆斯特丹聚集了众多创作者和创意人,轻松又新鲜的气氛让这里无时不刻充满着灵感,自由且包容奇思妙想的空间在此应运而生,这与年轻酒店品牌 Kimpton 不谋而合,2017 年夏,趣味和品味兼具的 Kimpton 在阿姆斯特丹开设其欧洲旗舰店Kimpton De Witt Hotel,在市中心建立了一个融合 coworking 和 lifestyle欢迎所有人做客的“社区家园”。

距离阿姆斯特丹中央车站仅百米之距,穿过商店密集的热闹街道,转弯在更为僻静的街区宫殿区步行几分钟,很容易发现以绿色植物墙和粉色霓虹灯迎接宾客的 Kimpton De Witt,一个温馨而设计感十足的客厅在大门左侧的落地窗一览无余。

酒店所在建筑的其中三座,足以追溯到17世纪荷兰的黄金时代。在Kimpton设计总监Ave Bradley指导下, KimptonDe Witt的内部设计融入代表荷兰文化遗产的元素,入口的living wall植物墙以绿叶和鲜花来致敬荷兰的郁金香花田,大堂地面的蓝白花纹地砖以荷兰西部城市代尔夫特为灵感,在整体有趣亮眼的现代风格中可谓锦上添花。


鹿和蜜蜂装饰的客房门环,走廊墙上挂着各类有趣的画作,在客房区游走也是一次小小的探索。而最为印象深刻的还是每个房间床头上方被故意模糊化的名画,致敬本国艺术家的同时增加了一丝叛逆的创意。酒店共有274间客房,简洁而时髦,在这里你还可以告知前台那些“任性”的需求,因为几乎任何额外的物品他们都可以为你送来。洗手间同样以代尔夫特花砖铺成,洗护用品来自阿姆斯特丹本土品牌MarieStella Maris其纯天然的产品和对环保的支持收获了大量粉丝。

酒店的中心处还藏着一栋独立的三层小屋,这栋建于17世纪被完整保存的灰色房子曾是荷兰剧作家 P.C. Hooft童年的居所。如今它已被酒店改造为一处设配完善的住房,可供寻求私密性的家庭或小群体租用。

在Kimpton De Witt能随时接收到酒店发出的“社交信号”。住进来的客人会在床上收到一枚钥匙,凭它可以在每天下午五点后的Wine hour免费到楼下House Bar喝一杯特色鸡尾酒, House Bar所在建筑建于1645年,是整个酒店历史最为悠久的部分。酒店另一餐厅和酒吧Wyers Bar & Restaurant最初曾是一个工厂,如今内部粗犷的美式酒吧设计则继承了建筑原始的基因,不论是住客还是社区居民都爱到这儿来一杯啤酒或荷兰金酒。

酒店每月还会举行艺术活动Art Hour,为大家讲解酒店内不时更新的艺术品,更有意思的是,酒店员工每天清早的晨会常常会吸引店内的客人一起加入这里不论是总经理还是接待人员每一位都像邻居般亲切自然,在等待办理入住时,他们送来温暖的热巧克力和饼干,非常贴心。

当然,在阿姆斯特丹这个美妙的城市一定要出门探索,酒店提供免费的 VanMoof单车给每位客人,不妨踏上单车去做一个真正的阿姆斯特丹人吧。

Closer to the Neighborhood

As a center of art and design, Amsterdam has gathered a large sum of creators and talents. The relaxed and fresh atmosphere makes this place full of inspiration, freedom and inclusive sensibility. This coincides with Kimpton, a hotel brand that always know how to live with fun and taste. In the summer of 2017, Kimpton opened its frst hotel in European , Kimpton De Witt Hotel in Amsterdam, which creates a space combining co working and lifestyle in the city centre and makes you feel like so close to the neighborhood.

Just hundreds meters from Amsterdam Central Station, it takes a short walk through the densely populated street of the shops, then a few minutes walk from a more secluded street in the neighborhood of Palace Quarter, Kimpton De Witt is welcoming guests with a living wall and pink neon light. The warm and stylish living room is fully visible through the floorto ceiling windows on the left side of the main entrance.

Three of the buildings in the hotel can be traced back to the Golden Age of the Netherlands in the 17th century. Under the direction of Kimpton‘s Design Director Ave Bradley, Kimpton De Witt‘s interior design incorporates elements that represent the Dutch cultural heritage. The entrance ‘living wall‘ pays homage to the Dutch tulip field with greenery and flowers, and the blue and white floor tiles on the lobby floor are inspired by the city of Delft in the west of the Netherlands. It is an icing on the cake in an overall modern and fun style.

From the front desk to the elevator leading to the room,the public space on the first floor includes a living room, a café,a bar, and a mini indoor garden with swings connected to the outdoor space. All the functional areas are very natural in this open structure. The coffee table with magazine and the seats of different designs... a relaxed and unconstrained vibe with refreshing details.

The door knockers are decorated with deer and bees sculptures and all kinds of interesting paintings are hanging on the corridor wall. Wandering in the guest room area becomes a small exploration. The deliberately blurred paintings of original arts above the bedside is quite impressive, adding a touch of rebellious creativity while paying homage to the national artists. The hotel has a total of 274 stylish rooms. Here you can tell the front desk about your ”willful” needs, because they will find you as long as they can. The bathroom is also paved with Delft tiles, and the amenities come from the local Amsterdam brand MarieStellaMaris – its natural products and support for the environment have gained a lot of fans.

At the heart of the hotel is an independent threestory lodge. This little grey house built in the 17th century, was once the childhood home of the Dutch playwright P.C. Hooft. Today it has been transformed into a wellappointed home for renting for families or small groups seeking privacy.

At Kimpton De Witt, you can receive the ”social signals” from the hotel all the time. Guests who stay here will receive a key on the bed, which can be used to get into the House Bar downstairs at the Wine hour, after 5pm every day for a complimentary cocktail. The building of House Bar was built in 1645 and is the oldest part of the hotel. The hotel‘s another restaurant and bar, Wyers Bar & Restaurant was originally a factory, today its rustic American bar design inherits the original genes of the building, guests and residents of the neighborhood love to have a beer or Dutch gin here.

The hotel also hosts Art Hour, a monthly art event, to explain the artworks updated in the hotel from time to time.What‘s more interesting is that the morning meeting of the hotel staff often attracts guests to join too Everyone here,whether it is the general manager or the receptionist, is always nice and warm like a neighbor. When you are waiting for checkin, they send warm hot chocolate and biscuits, which is very sweet.

Of course, in the wonderful city of Amsterdam, you must go out and explore. The hotel offers VanMoof bicycle to each guest. It is a good idea to hop on a bicycle and be a real Amsterdamer.



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