
以色列Publica Isrotel酒店

Publica Isrotel


以色列连锁酒店巨头 Isrotel 宣布新酒店 Publica Isrotel 开业,定位面向千禧一代。新酒店加盟了万豪傲途格软品牌,标志着傲途格首次进驻以色列。

Publica Isrotel 酒店位于特拉维夫北部的海滨城市荷兹利亚,是媲美美国硅谷的以色列高科技中心。酒店拥有159间客房,提供丰富的个性化公共空间,成为荷兹利亚最新潮的社交场所。作为 Isrotel 酒店集团旗下首家社交概念品牌,Publica Isrotel 酒店推出了名为城市俱乐部的特色会员制。该会员制仅对酒店客人和当地居民开放(当地居民需支付每月115美金会员费),为会员们提供各种丰富的项目,包括健身课程现场表演和各种特色活动,鼓励会员们互相交流甚至做生意。Publica Isrotel 因此成为以色列酒店业中首家推出会员制的酒店。

Israel‘s leading hotel chain Isrotel announces the opening of Publica Isrotel, targeting the jet setting millennial market.The opening also marks the arrival of Marriott‘s distinguished Autograph Collection to the country, with Publica joining the ranks of some of the world‘s most unique boutique hotels.

The 159room hotel is located in the affluent coastal town of Herzilya, a hightech center in the Northern part of the Tel Aviv district akin to the United States‘ Silicon Valley. Publica Isrotel will serve as the city‘s newest gathering place, offering a variety of distinct spaces. Serving as the brand‘s firstever ”people meet people” concept hotel, Publica Isrotel introduces something entirely new to the Israeli hospitality market: a prestigious members only club, the City Club. Accessible only to hotel guests and local residents (locals pay a membership fee of 115/month), the City Club offers enriching programming, from fitness classes to live entertainment and special events, where members can mix, mingle, and even conduct business.



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