

The New York EDITION



拥有273间客房的纽约EDITION酒店坐落在麦迪逊广场中心大都会人寿保险大楼上部。现在的人们则更加习惯称之为“钟塔”(Clock Tower)。这座仿造威尼斯钟塔的哥特式建筑建造于1909年,当时这座全纽约最高的建筑可谓拥有无敌的360度全景色,伊恩•施拉格将新酒店选址于此,想必也是出于这个原因。

酒店的室内设计由知名设计师大卫洛克威尔(David Rockwell)操刀。大堂内,纹路繁杂而古朴的天然材料将整体空间装饰得低调而极富戏剧性。超大落地窗远眺麦迪逊广场公园美景,阳光反射于银白色的面料及皮革家具上,大堂和酒吧在此刻好似一盘浸泡在牛奶中的燕麦片,分外惹人喜爱。大堂走廊的尽头,蜿蜒而上的楼梯极富艺术格调:封闭幽暗的氛围,锃亮的漆钢外观和人工铅白橡木的内部镶板仿佛要给来此的宾客制造一份独特而亲密的艺术体验。宽大的橡木地板反射出的浅橡木色光亮悄然照亮整个4.2米层高的空间,若立足静静感受,仿佛这光亮还能带来一丝温暖。


A Gentleman of Time

The New York EDITION has 273 rooms and is located in Madison Square landmark the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. Built in 1909, the Gothicstyle building, which is also referred to as the Clock Tower, was modeled after the Campanile in Venice, Italy. At the time, the absolutely excellent location grants this tallest building in New York City a 360 degree view. 

The interior of the hotel is designed by renowned designer David Rockwell. The lobby is a dramatic yet understated space with residentialinspired design elements. With floortoceiling windows overlooking Madison Square Park, the lobby and lobby bar is an expansive yet intimate oasis for guests to soak in a palette of soft tones of oatmeal, silver and white in rich fabrics and leather. A sculptural grand staircase of lacquered steel exterior and a handselected cerused White Oak paneling interior creates an intimate and unique experience with its enclosed shape. Wide plank wood flooring in a light oak finish adds warmth to the 14foottall, light filled space.

The hand selected Black Walnut lobby bar and reception niche with desk add warmth to the modern interpretation of a dense beamed Venetian ceiling. Alvaro Aalto lounge chairs rest in front of a 30foot long, handforged blackened steel fireplace, while the oversize, amber illuminated backbar framed with concrete molding and ivory Venetian plaster wall adds an unexpected and playful twist. Precast custom concrete tiles that mimic the building‘s original limestone façade form window casings and serve as accents for the walls and floors.    



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