

The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai





还有的说1896 年发生在孟买的大瘟疫使塔塔先生想建造一家奢华酒店来改变他所热爱的这个城市的形象。他的这一愿望引来许多质疑,甚至有朋友说他会因此破产,事业会因此终结。

塔塔先生无与伦比的前瞻性和睿智的头脑向世人证明,他的选择是正确的。1903 年雄伟庄严泰姬玛哈宫殿酒店建成开业,成为了当之无愧的地标性建筑,也成为了所有酒店中的“王子”。1905 年,著名记者马修斯(G. A. Mathews) 见到“泰姬”时不禁感概:“她是那么宏大奢华,以至于刚开始时我都有些窒息了。”20 年后,英国著名作家奥尔德斯 赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley) 依然这样评价道:“宏伟的泰姬酒店兼具了伦敦南肯辛顿建筑与印度亭台的风格,富有国际化气质。”这些赞美足以说明了孟买泰姬玛哈大酒店与生俱来的皇家风范。

The World’s Most Captivating Legend

Jamsetji Tata built The Taj Mahal Palace just in time. In the late 19th century, the hotels in Mumbai left much to be desired. In the late 1890s, Mr. Tata suddenly announced his plans to build a grand hotel that would help restore the image of Mumbai and attract visitors from around the world. One of the original grand hotels of the world, The Taj Mahal Palace,Mumbai has grown to become an integral part of the city‘ s history, and indeed, its heart.

”Taj” is different from the outset. Mr. Tata singlehandedly created India‘s modern textile industry, vigorously developed municipal buildings in Mumbai on the land of opportunities and prospects. en he established a great steel empire. With a bold innovative mind, he started making use of seasonal rainfall to generate electricity and planned to set up science and technology research centers in Bangalore in southern India. Why did he build such a large hotel People have different opinions. One story says that Mr. Tata was once refused entry to two of the most luxurious hotels in Mumbai simply because of his Indian identity. therefore, he wanted to build a super luxurious hotel owned by the indians and managed by Europeans and it would be open to everyone.

Another story says that the Great Plague that broke out in Mumbai in 1896 made Mr. Tata want to build a luxury hotel to change the image of his beloved city. is wish led to many doubts, and even his friends said that he would go bankrupt and his business would come to an unfortunate end.

With an unmatched vision and a wise mind, Mr. Tata told himself to stick with the plan. And later it proved that he made the right choice. The magnificent and stately appearance of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel has become a welldeserved landmark. The ”Taj” has become the ”Prince” among all hotels. In 1905, the famous reporter G.A. Mathews saw the ”Taj” and said, ”She is so magnificent and extravagant that for a moment I felt my breath stopped.” Twenty years later, famous British writer Aldous Huxley commented, ”The magnificent Taj Hotels possesses the style of both South Kensington architecture and Indian pavilions, and is fully internationalised.” These praises are enough to explain that the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai is certainly born with a royal style.



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