

IL Tornabuoni Hotel



这融古通今的韵味,正是佛罗伦萨IL Tornabuoni酒店代表给予今日宾客的赠礼。

当人们谈起佛罗伦萨,最夺目的关键词无疑是文艺复兴。在当年繁荣的城邦,贸易的发达持续滋养着艺术与人文的发展,直至其力量积蓄至足以一扫中世纪漫长的压抑黯淡,以复古之名,激发人类对自身价值的欣赏,对近旁之美的发掘。在IL TORNABUONI酒店,住客对文艺复兴的感知,始于视觉,又触及更多感官。



客房的设计与装饰复现伟大时代的光辉,套房的命名中使用了一系列重要人物的名字,将佛罗伦萨对历史的骄傲灌注到最细微处,令住客有更多触发浮想的契机。“华丽者洛伦佐”(Lorenzo Il Magnifico)的统治者气魄“卢克莱西娅”(Lucrezia)的母性慈和,但丁的灵感女神“比亚翠斯”(Beatrice)微含忧郁的清雅,历史记载中的字句,经由空间的别样诠释,有了人格化的亲切面容。客房不再只是途中的栖身之所,幻化作引人穿越时空的魔法通道。


文艺复兴的思想强调关注现世,引领人们将注意力从崇神转向真切的生活,于是饮食成为重点,何况是在意大利这个以美食为傲的国度。IL TORNABUONI共有五处餐饮空间,时刻准备从味觉维度充实来宾的佛罗伦萨之旅。早晨用腌渍的蔬菜与鱼鲜提神开胃,午后到咖啡吧品一份甘苦交织细腻香滑的提拉米苏,傍晚去蝴蝶露台在爵士乐声中看夕阳把老街巷染成金黄,再邀三两挚友潜入“洞穴”探索丰富的美酒窖藏,给旅程再添上狄奥尼索斯的迷醉与狂想。

主餐厅以历史上的佛罗伦萨领主洛伦佐・德・美第奇之别号“华丽者”(Il Magnifico)为名。酒店的行政总厨西蒙・塔奇(Simone Tarchi),视烹饪为一种天赐的表达方式,而佛罗伦萨这片土地的产物与故事,就是他最好的创意来源。早年他在罗马接受完专业训练,到米其林星级餐厅Moma获得了最初的职业生涯积累。后来他回到佛罗伦萨,在本地传统与当代影响之间不断探索,寻找完美平衡。自2023年10月,他开始执掌Tornabuoni酒店的厨房,创作每年至少更新四次的季节性菜单。如今,他把自己的风格比喻为“海绵”,在深厚的本地文化基础上,吸收一切国际潮流,以当令的食材,当地的风格,向全世界再次诠释托斯卡纳菜肴。丰厚浓烈的滋味,充满家族般的热情,足以跨越文化藩篱,从口中直达心底。

Under the bright Tuscan sun, the traveler from afar treads the paths once walked by the masters, pushes open the exquisite yet solid door at the corner of the street, and steps into an ancient residence that has stood for centuries, finding themselves immersed in a space as vivid as a painting. Whether resting or feasting, or quietly observing the everevolving yet eternally constant scenery of life throughout the city, full of vitality and motion. This charm that blends the ancient with the contemporary is the gift that IL Tornabuoni Hotel in Florence offers to its guests today.

When people speak of Florence, the keyword is undoubtedly the Renaissance. In that prosperous citystate of yesteryear, the flourishing trade continuously nourished the development of art and humanities, until its power accumulated enough to sweep away the long oppression of the Middle Ages. In the name of revival, it inspired an appreciation of human value and the exploration of nearby beauty. At IL Tornabuoni Hotel, guests‘ perception of the Renaissance begins with sight and touches upon more senses.

The hotel is named after the street where it is located, Tornobuoni, which is the heart of the old city of Florence, just a stone‘s throw away from famous landmarks such as the Old Bridge, the Uffizi Gallery, and the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. Its building dates back to the 13th century and is one of the most wellknown historical sites in the city. On this historic and elegant street, lined with famous shops, the hardness of the bricks and stones has long been washed away by time, revealing a warm texture, with a modest yet dignified demeanor. Upon entering the hotel, the rounded lines and harmonious proportions create an antique tone, with light and color blooming to catch the eye. Rivet elements pay tribute to the longstanding tradition of craftsmanship, and the meticulously depicted patterns of flora and fauna bring a breath of natural air to the city center. The chandeliers are also quite special: polyhedra encased in transparent bubbles, combining classical temperament with a cool futuristic sense, with abstract charm cleverly contrasting with other realisticstyle interiors, adding a touch of agility and mystery to the entire space.

The hotel‘s 62 rooms and suites, with their exquisite and balanced proportions, exude an intriguing beauty, which is one of the quintessential spirits of classical aesthetics. Further outlined and highlighted by brilliant golden lines and surfaces, each room resembles a painting that has been carefully composed and framed.

The design and decoration of the rooms recreate the splendor of a great era, and the names of the suites reflect a series of significant figures, infusing Florence‘s pride in its history into the finest details, providing guests with more opportunities to indulge in reverie. The ruler‘s magnificence of ”Lorenzo the Magnificent”, the maternal tenderness of ”Lucrezia” and the melancholic elegance of Dante‘s muse ”Beatrice”. The phrases from historical records, through the unique interpretation of the space, have taken on a personified and amiable visage. The rooms are no longer just a place to stay on a journey but have transformed into magical passages that invite one to travel through time and space. Immersed in this meticulous retro atmosphere that emanates from within, it suddenly dawns: history is not a stranger and it has always been interconnected with reality, following the most fundamental human values and emotions. Open the window to listen to the melodious music from the small square; or step onto the terrace to overlook the solidification and flow of time in the ancient city. At this moment, are these singing youths so different from Romeo and Juliet

The Renaissance ideology emphasized a focus on the secular world, leading people to shift their attention from the worship of gods to the true essence of life, making cuisine a focal point, especially in a country like Italy that takes pride in its delicious food. IL Tornabuoni boasts five dining spaces, always ready to enrich guests‘ Florence journeys from a culinary perspective. Start the morning with pickled vegetables and fresh seafood to invigorate the appetite, indulge in the bittersweet, delicate and smooth tiramisu at the coffee bar in the afternoon, watch the old alleys turn golden in the sunset on the Butterfly Terrace to the sound of jazz in the evening, and then invite a few close friends to explore the rich wine cellar in the ”cave”, adding the intoxication and fantasy of Dionysus to the journey.

The main restaurant is named after the historical ruler of Florence, Lorenzo de‘ Medici, also known as ”Il Magnifico”. The hotel‘s executive chef, Simone Tarchi, sees cooking as a divine form of expression, with the products and stories of the land of Florence as his best source of inspiration. After receiving professional training in Rome, he gained initial career experience at the Michelinstarred restaurant Moma. Later, he returned to Florence, constantly exploring between local traditions and contemporary influences to find the perfect balance. Since October 2023, he has been in charge of the kitchen at the Tornabuoni Hotel, creating seasonal menus that are updated at least four times a year. Now, he compares his style to a ”sponge” absorbing all international trends on the basis of profound local culture, and reinterpreting Tuscan cuisine to the world with seasonal ingredients and local style. The rich and intense flavors, full of familial warmth, are sufficient to cross cultural barriers, reaching from the mouth to the heart.



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