

Il Sereno Lago di Como


在拥有数百年历史,古老石块已现出斑驳的旧日船坞,西班牙女设计师帕特里夏・乌古拉用木材青铜黄铜玻璃,建起一座方正但不生硬,抽象而隽永的建筑。熟悉理性主义建筑风格的人或许会认出,她所致敬的对象,正是朱塞佩・特拉尼Giseppe Terragni上世纪为科莫市设计的特拉尼宫Casa del Fascio。既有现代的结构形体,又秉承传统的优美比例。广泛运用的中庭与落地窗,引入充足的空气与光,令建筑保有硬朗的直线轮廓,同时大大淡化了室内外的分界,成为环境中有机的一部分,兼顾功能与美感。

为酒店带来更多鲜活生机的,还有“垂直绿化第一人”帕特里克・布朗克Patrick Blanc。这位法国植物学家在塞莱诺酒店呈现了三件作品:“湖之绿镜”“峡谷”和“高跷”。远观全景枝叶自楼顶如瀑流泻,或漫步其中所见草木恣意浑似野生,不仅赏心悦目,更切实地为舒适的局部微气候发挥作用。

40间套房全部设有湖景露台。精挑细选的家具与用品,以极简现代的时尚气质,低调但不失骄傲地配合山水的朝晖夕阴。“船坞大套房” Darsena Lago Suite更以绝无仅有的位置和体验成为本酒店一大特色:露台紧邻水滨,静坐其上感受柔波拍打,兴之所至,还可直接纵身入水畅游。

当乘上从湖区造船世家Cantiere Ernesto Riva定制的古董船只出航,或是在科莫湖区最大的无边泳池充分运动后,享受悠闲的SPA时光,在酒店当下新物与旧时遗迹亲密融合的空间,来宾会一再感知酒店简约灵动的美学。


米其林荣誉加身的塞莱诺湖边餐厅The Restaurant iL Sereno Al Lago为一切体验提供体力保障。在主厨Raffaele Lenzi的带领下,餐厅贴合自然风土,凸显当地特色的基础,不时闪现创造性的火花。别出心裁的味型组合服务时侍者宛如舞步般的举止动作,都充满待客的匠心与巧思。这湖山绝景中的一餐一饮,又何尝不是精美的设计作品呢?

On an existing Darsena, a historical, stateowned dock on the shores of Lake Como, Spanish designer Patricia Urquiola has designed a building that is square but not rigid, abstract yet enduring, using wood, bronze, brass, and glass. Those familiar with rationalist architectural styles may recognize that she is paying homage to the work of Giseppe Terragni, who designed the Casa del Fascio for Como in the last century. The building combines a modern structural form with the traditional elegance of proportion. The widely used atriums and floortoceiling windows introduce ample air and light, keeping the building‘s hard lines while greatly blurring the boundaries between inside and out, making it an organic part of the environment that balances function and aesthetics.

Adding even more vitality to the hotel is esteemed botanist Patrick Blanc. Three of his works, ”Le Miroir Vert du Lac”, ”Le Canyon”, and ”Les Réclines Echassees”, are showcased at Il Sereno. Whether viewed from a distance as branches cascade like waterfalls from the rooftop, or explored up close with wildlooking foliage, these installations not only enhance the visual appeal but also play a practical role in creating a comfortable microclimate.

All 40 suites boast lakeview terraces. Carefully selected furnishings and amenities exude a minimalist, contemporary elegance, blending discreetly yet proudly with the dawning and fading light of the mountains and waters. The ”Darsena Lago Suite” with its unparalleled location and experience, stands out as a unique feature of the hotel: its terrace sits directly on the water‘s edge, where one can sit in quiet contemplation, feeling the gentle waves lap against it, and even take a refreshing dip at whim.

Embark on a voyage aboard antique boats customized by Cantiere Ernesto Riva, or indulge in leisurely spa time after ample exercise in the large infinity pool. Within the hotel‘s space, where contemporary elements mingle intimately with traces of the past, guests will sense the hotel‘s simple yet dynamic aesthetic.

There are numerous ways to immerse oneself deeper into the Lake Como experience starting from the hotel: hiking through the mountains, discovering secluded waterside havens, or taking a helicopter ride...

The Michelinhonored lakeside restaurant, iL Sereno Al Lago, provides sustenance for all experiences. Under the guidance of chef Raffaele Lenzi, the restaurant highlights local specialties while incorporating creative twists. Innovative flavor combinations, the graceful services, all brim with the artistry and ingenuity of hospitality. A meal or drink amidst this lake and mountain panorama is nothing short of a masterpiece in itself.



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