

Grand Hotel Tremezzo


特雷梅佐大酒店开业于1910年,由Gandola家族始建。一位贵族后裔和他的妻子周游欧陆,回到科莫湖的家乡后燃起了创造一家世界级的宏伟酒店的愿望。这座新艺术风格的大酒店选址在倒Y字型湖面上两条湖水交汇处的左岸,抬眼望去,能看到近湖中央的贝拉焦村庄,也能直见对岸风光。经过两次家族更迭,自1973年至今,特雷梅佐大酒店由德・桑蒂斯De Santis家族承续百年来的传统和奢华,在新的时代耀眼而瞩目。


作为璞富腾品牌的成员酒店,特雷梅佐大酒店得以更好地向世界证明自身无与伦比的意大利风情。“璞富腾酒店及度假村”是全球知名的独立酒店品牌,涵盖80个国家及地区的超过600多家酒店度假村公寓以及物业。半世纪以来为其成员提供优势与服务,同时也保证了旗下酒店的高水准。加入I Prefer会员计划的宾客可通过入住成员酒店获取积分和升级,并进一步换取免费入住和酒店消费,极大方便了客人拣选优质酒店的初衷。





特雷梅佐大酒店在冬季暂停营业,在来年春暖花开时重开,闭门的时间正是酒店整陈推新的时机。今年,在酒店的第115个开业季,瓦伦蒂娜和母亲安东内拉推出了Sense of Lake精品店,主营各类生活旅行中所爱的奢华高品质的用品。部分套房和酒店管理下的一处巴洛克风格的古老别墅也迎来了新的改变;去年才开放的酒窖又有珍品入藏;Spa与健康管理也推出新的项目。当然还有菜单的春季更新。

酒店的瓜蒂耶罗・马切西露台餐厅La Terrazza Gualtiero Marchesi是美食饕客们竞相追崇的地方。当代意大利料理的教父瓜蒂耶罗・马切西之名如雷贯耳,这位在法国境外首获米其林三星认证的名厨重新定义了当代意大利菜。如今,曾经与马切西并肩工作过的行政总厨奥斯瓦尔多・普雷萨齐Osvaldo Presazzi与团队一起传承着马切西的精神。



The Grand Hotel Tremezzo, a landmark established in 1910 by the Gandola family, embodies a centuryold family legacy. A descendant of an aristocratic line and his wife, who toured Europe, returned to their hometown on Lake Como with a burning desire to create a grand hotel of world class. The luxury hotel, designed in the Art Nouveau style, is located on the left bank where two arms of the lake converge in the shape of an inverted Y. From its vantage point, guests can see the picturesque village of Bellagio in the center of the lake and the opposite shore.Since 1973,the Grand Hotel Tremezzo has been managed by the De Santis family,maintaining the tradition and luxury of the past while shining brightly in the new era.

2010 marked not only the centennial milestone of the hotel but also the year in which Valentina, the thirdgeneration entrepreneur of the family, took over the marketing for the hotel. Valentina was honored on the Forbes Italy list of 100 successful women in 2019 and is dedicated to balancing the hotel‘s tradition with innovation. 

As a member of the Preferred Hotels & Resorts, the Grand Hotel Tremezzo has been able to better showcase its unparalleled Italian charm to the world. Preferred Hotels & Resorts is a globally renowned independent hotel brand, encompassing over 600 hotels, resorts, apartments, and properties in more than 80 countries and regions.

 For over half a century, it has provided advantages and services to its members while ensuring the high standards of its affiliated hotels. Guests who join the I Prefer membership program earn points and upgrades by staying at member hotels, further redeemable for complimentary stays and hotel expenses, greatly facilitating guests‘ selection of quality hotels.

 In the warm and sunny afternoon, arriving at the Grand Hotel Tremezzo, the creamy orange awnings and soft yellow buildings stand on the left side of the lakeside road, with the hotel‘s al fresco restaurant and islandlike pool on the right side. The grandeur of the secondfloor lobby is rich in Italian warmth and elegance, with classical and intricate furnishings such as cabinets and sofas creating an environment reminiscent of ancient nobility, yet incredibly relaxed.

The hotel‘s 84 rooms and suites boast a total of one hundred glass windows, each facing the endless waters of Lake Como and the secret gardens of the mountains behind. Sitting on the balcony facing the lake, feeling the fresh breeze gently brushing, the shimmering waters resembling scattered diamonds, and the Grigne Mountains stretching out in front, everything feels just right; looking to the right from the balcony, as the sun sets in the west, a touch of light gold gradually imbues the mountain peaks, blending into a poignant roselike color.

The hotel‘s back garden appears ancient and mysterious, with diverse vegetation climbing the walls and doorways, giving an illusion of stepping back into the 18th century as the sky darkens. This garden was once part of the botanical garden of the Villa Carlotta built during that era, and through generations of improvements by wealthy merchants, princesses, dukes, and the hotel‘s delicate care, it has become a masterpiece.

In the quiet of the night, standing on the high slope of the hotel‘s back garden and looking up, a bright moon rises from behind the snowcapped peaks that have already shed their rosy hues, no words needed...

The Grand Hotel Tremezzo closes during the winter season and reopens in the spring when the flowers bloom, making the closure period the perfect time for the hotel to refresh. In its 115th operating season this year, Valentina and her mother Antonella launched the Sense of Lake boutique shop. Some suites and a Baroquestyle ancient villa managed by the hotel have also undergone new changes, and the newly opened wine cellar has added precious collections. The spa and health management have introduced new projects, and the menu has been updated for spring.

As the only restaurant in the world where you can enjoy classic dishes by Marchesi, the hotel‘s La Terrazza Gualtiero Marchesi is a place highly revered by food enthusiasts. The name of the contemporary Italian cuisine patriarch Gualtiero Marchesi resonates greatly, as few Michelinstarred restaurants in Italy do not mention the influence of Marchesi on their culinary practices. A chef who was the first outside of France to be awarded a Michelin threestar rating has redefined contemporary Italian cuisine. His respect for ingredients and focus on dining experiences have propelled Italian flavors towards the future.

As the only restaurant in the world offering Marchesis most famous dishes, the hotel‘s La Terrazza Gualtiero Marchesi is highly revered by food enthusiasts. Gualtiero Marchesi, the patriarch of contemporary Italian cuisine, is a household name, having been the first chef outside of France to be awarded three Michelin stars. Today, Executive Chef Osvaldo Presazzi, who once worked alongside Marchesi, and his team carry on Marchesi‘s legacy.

Following the morning light, one arrives by the glass window of the exquisite buffet breakfast restaurant, where the orange awnings dance in the wind and the shimmering waves of Lake Como sparkle, with lushness in the far mountains and nearby islands...

It‘s indeed a sunny and happy place.



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