

InterContinental Phuket Resort


甫进入普吉岛洲际的大堂,若已满怀对艳阳椰影等典型海景的期待,第一眼可能有些意外:高挑方正的构架如同画框,拥住郁郁葱葱的山林;画面中央一栋建筑,尖塔层叠,满溢泰国风情。洁白纤巧,谦和地融入环境的同时,又透出人世精工的自持。这栋“萨旺馆”Sawan Pavilion,堪称酒店最具辨识度的视觉标志。

群山绵延,海在何处?下行台阶数级,向西走过地下通道,就是酒店的临海区域。这段小路巧妙地避开车流,宁静又便捷地连通整间酒店的山海两部;两侧质朴艳丽的壁画,出自普吉岛皇家大学美术系教授Khan Payungphan博士笔下。一次次穿行其间之后,仿佛感染了生长于斯的人们对海洋的依恋,再看大堂,处处是海:素净的浅灰立柱在阳光下倏忽显露珠贝的七彩,墙面到天顶微凸的菱形纹样似鳞片又似柔波,萨旺馆檐角飞扬中几处圆润反卷,如轻柔抚过游人足迹的潮水;椅背上的浪花间,游鱼俏皮地冒头。


As you enter the lobby of InterContinental Phuket Resort, it might surprise you if you were expecting typical beach views with swaying coconut trees. The tall square structure acts like a picture frame, enclosing lush green forests. In the center of the frame stands a building with stacked spires, exuding the charm of Thailand. Its pristine and delicate design humbly integrates with the surroundings while showcasing exquisite craftsmanship. This building is known as the ”Sawan Pavilion”, serving as the distinctive visual symbol of the resort.

Where do mountains and seas converge Descend a few steps and walk west through an underground passage, and you will find yourself in the seaside area of the resort. This pathway cleverly avoids the traffic, offering a serene and convenient connection between the mountains and the sea. The simple yet stunning murals on both sides of the passage are created by Dr. Khan Payungphan, a professor from Phuket Rajabhat University‘s Department of Fine Arts. After strolling through this pathway multiple times, you‘ll feel as if you‘ve been touched by the locals‘ deep affection for the ocean. Looking back at the lobby, the sea is everywhere: the clean lightgray pillars sparkle like seashells in the sunlight, the diamondshaped patterns on the walls and ceilings resemble scales and gentle waves, and the floating eaves of the Sawan Pavilion gracefully mimic the gentle tides that caress the footsteps of visitors. The waterthemed patterns on the chairs playfully depict the appearance of swimming fish.

Those fish can also be found behind the room key cards. These patented wooden cards, the first of their kind in Phuket‘s hotel industry, are made from sustainably sourced hardwood from North America. The use of such wood helps maintain the overall health of the forest as single trees are selectively cut down. From coconut shell flower pots to biodegradable straws and glass water bottles, every inconspicuous detail harmonizes with the surroundings, subtly showcasing the natural beauty and the importance of caring for it. 



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