

Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort



俯瞰湄公河Mekong River和洛克河Ruak River,河对岸是缅甸和老挝。




我们在宏伟的Sala Mae Nam餐厅的露台享用美味的泰北美食,俯瞰金三角腹地的美景,不禁感慨:长久以来,曾经是罂粟种植中心的金三角是一片禁忌之地,然而现在,金三角已经成为普通旅客能够到达的旅游胜地,尚未被破坏的自然净土。

为了更深入了解这一地区的文化和自然奇迹。酒店特别为我们安排了一次令人兴奋的冒险 乘坐Royal Enfield Classic 500侧边车,探访北部省份的小路和村庄。笼罩在秘境上空的云彩,被风吹散了。

Anantara Golden Triangle Elephant Camp & Resort is perched on a ridge within an ancient jungle in northern Thailand, spanning 160 acres. It overlooks the Mekong River and Ruak River, with Myanmar and Laos on the opposite banks.

Looking out from the spacious balcony of our Three Country View Suite, we were greeted by the lush valleys, rivers, and distant mountains, creating a mesmerizing panoramic view that allows you to ‘Gaze Over Three Countries.‘ In fact, all 61 rooms and suites of the resort offer this unique spectacle.

The interiors are adorned with teak floors, exquisite hill tribe fabrics, and traditional artworks, creating a refreshing and exotic Thai ambiance.

What left a lasting impression was the absence of plastic bottles in the rooms; instead, the resort used glass bottles or reusable small aluminum bottles, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability. The soaps and toiletries were all natural, reflecting the resort‘s dedication to sustainable practices.

We indulged in delicious Northern Thai cuisine on the grand terrace of Sala Mae Nam restaurant, overlooking the stunning beauty of the Golden Triangle. It‘s a remarkable transformation considering that the Golden Triangle, once the epicentre for poppy cultivation, is now a tourist destination accessible to all, maintaining its pristine natural beauty.

To delve deeper into the culture and natural wonders of the region, the resort arranged an exciting adventure for us—a ride on a Royal Enfield Classic 500 sidecar to explore the roads and villages of the northern provinces. Clouds over the hidden landscapes dispersed by the wind.



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