

Paresa Resort Phuket



翻越几个斜坡,在茂林环绕的盘山公路上颠簸了一番,我们终于抵达目的地。而下车后却并不见什么建筑,几位身着白衣笑容灿烂的男士上前引领我们进门,只见一条洁白的大理石楼梯通向酒店大堂,才知道原来整个度假村就在下方,沿悬崖蔓延伸向无垠的安达曼海 ......

这便是 Paresa 度假村,位于普吉岛最为昂贵的地段之一卡马拉镇山上的“百万富翁路”,距离热闹的卡马拉海滩尚有一段距离,相对高的地势和直面大海的崖坡让这里成功收揽大自然的绝美一角,私密而不沾喧扰。


走进大堂,融合了寺庙梵音的乐曲在耳边环绕,喝完前台送来的柠檬草茶,再敲响门前一面古老的大锣才算是真正住进来了。推开大堂大门,迎接我们的是一片24k金铺就的地面,以及同样奢华的270°无边海景。乘电梯向下, Paresa静谧而美丽的园林与宅邸展现在眼前。

Paresa在梵语中意为“天堂中的天堂”。不同于多数度假酒店在庞大占地中修建房间众多的楼房, Paresa更为注重人建筑和自然的关系,在整片度假园林中只建造了48间套房,分散于数十座独栋别墅中。整体设计以著名建筑师弗兰克・劳埃德・赖特的“有机建筑”为灵感,赖特曾说“任何房子都不应建在山上,而应该成为山的一部分。” Paresa 则是这一观点的完美投射,其完全依悬崖之势而建,还保留了园内几棵古老的榕树,将别墅围绕于榕树之间,在传统的泰南建筑内融入低调而优雅的设计,以开放式的房间结构最大化把周边的大自然纳入,因此每一间客房都能够欣赏欣赏270°景观和一览无余的安达曼海。

居住环境与周边环境紧密关联, Paresa实现了自然和人造之物的有机平衡。房间朝海的一整面由玻璃门与户外阳台相隔,可以全部打开,无论是起居还是泡澡,都能沐浴在海景之中。木结构木地板以及沙石地面让房间内外充满自然气息,住在其中总忍不住像当地人一样光脚在里里外外走来走去。我们居住的两间套房中间可以连通,加起来足足有240平米,套房自带的12米长无边际泳池更是加深了天堂般的体验,视觉上泳池如同与海面融在了一起,游泳时好似变成了安达曼海里的一条鱼


为了让客人全身心回归自然,调整自己的能量, Paresa还建造了一个能量池,池内悬吊的一块巨大粉水晶可以帮助身体唤醒健康积极的能量。当然,更为直接有效的方式则是做一次Paresa Spa,参考古老的泰国疗愈方法,通过将天然有机的本土成分运用于身体,配合按摩手法,从而使感官得以净化,精神得以恢复,身体得以放松。不想出门的话完全可以预约理疗师上门在自己房间的阳台上享受Spa,闭上眼睛聆听海浪与微风轻拂树叶的声音,剩下的就交给她们吧。



Paresa共有两个餐厅。餐厅DIAVOLO主打现代而精致的地中海风味,而另一餐厅TALUNG THAI则把正宗的泰国菜演绎地淋漓尽致,不仅囊括了受欢迎的大众菜式,一些十分少见的南泰家庭菜式也可以在这里品尝到。 Paresa将两个餐厅连在一起,共享这片悬崖上的最佳观景位置,客人可以在东西方料理中任意选择。年轻而创意满满的主厨掌管两个餐厅完全不同的菜式的呈现与菜品研发,并根据客人反馈以及各国旅行中吸取的灵感来不时地推出新菜单。


Nourished by the Sea and Peaceful Living

After going over a few slopes and bumping on the winding road surrounded by the lush trees, we finally arrived at the destination. After getting off the car, we didn‘t see any buildings. Several men dressed in white smiled at us and led us to the door. Then we saw a white marble staircase leading to the hotel lobby and realized that the whole resort was below us, extending along the cliff to the infnite Andaman Sea...

This is the Paresa Resort, located on the ”Millionaires‘ Mile” on Kamala‘s Hills, one of the most expensive addresses in Phuket. It is still some distance from the lively Kamala Beach. The relatively high terrain and sea facing cliffs have made it a great place to capture the beauty of nature.

Organic Coexistence between Nature and Human

Walking into the lobby, the music of the temple‘s chanting surrounded the space. After drinking the lemongrass tea from the front desk, and then knocking on the ancient gong in front of the door, signified that we have lived in. Pushing open th lobby door, we are greeted by a 24k gold floor and the same luxurious 270° infinity sea view. Taking the elevator down, Paresa‘s quiet and beautiful gardens and mansions are in front of us.

Paresa means ”Heaven of all Heavens” in Sanskrit. Unlike most resorts that build a hight building with a large number of rooms in a big land, Paresa pays more attention to the relationship between people, architecture and nature. Only 48 suites have been built in the entire resort, scattered among a dozen of standalone villas. The whole design is inspired by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright‘s ”Organic Architecture”. Wright once said, ”Any house should not be built on a mountain, but should be part of the mountain.” Totally agreeing with this view, Paresa is built entirely on the cliff, retains several ancient banyan trees in the garden, surrounds the villa between the banyan trees, and blends lowkey and elegant design into the traditional South Thai architecture. The maximizing open room structure incorporates the surrounding nature, so each room has a 270° view and unobstructed views of the Andaman Sea.

By linking the living environment and the surrounding environment together, Paresa achieves an organic balance between natural and manmade objects. The entire room facing the sea is separated from the outdoor balcony by a glass door, which can be fully opened. Whether it is for living or bath, the guest can soak in the sea view. The wooden structure and floor and the gravel land make the interior and exterior of the room full of natural atmosphere. Living in it makes people can‘t help but walk around barefoot inside and outside like a local. The two suites we live in can be connected to each other, adding up to 240 square meters. The 12meter infinity pool that comes with the suite gave us a heavenlike experience. When dipping in the swimming pool, it is like swimming in the sea. We seem to be like a fish in the Andaman Sea

Wakeup of Energy and Senses

In order to let the guests return to nature and adjust their energy, Paresa also built an energy pool. A huge pink crystal suspended in the pool can help the body awaken to healthy and positive energy. Of course, the more direct and effective way is to do a Paresa Spa, which refers to the ancient Thai healing method, by applying natural and organic ingredients to the body, with massage, so that the senses can be purified, the spirit can be restored and the body can be relaxed. If you don‘t want to go out, you can make an appointment to the physiotherapist to enjoy the spa on the balcony of your room. Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves and the breeze, and leave the rest to them.

A Private and Delicious Experience Blending East and West 

During the week of travelling Thailand, we had the heartiest breakfast at Paresa. From traditional Thai breakfast to Western classic breakfast, in addition to the independent Buffet, there are plenty choices in the menu. We love the local noodle soup here, and the wide variety of fresh and sweet tropical fruits are also delicious.

There are two restaurants in Paresa.The restaurant DIAVOLO specializes in modern and refined Mediterranean flavours, while the other restaurant,TALUNG THAI, creates authentic Thai cuisine, including not only popular dishes, but also rare South Thai family dishes.Paresa connects the two restaurants and shares the best view of the cliff, where guests can choose between Eastern and Western cuisine. The young and creative chef is in charge of both restaurants, and from time to time, he will introduce new menus based on guest feedback and inspiration from the trips around the world.

In this fairyland, Paresa knows best how to create an unforgettable dining experience for the guests. We made time to experience Paresa‘s signature infinity pool dinner, one side is the infinite sea, and the other is the ladder wall lighting with candles. We were barefooted and watched the beautiful dishes spread out on the long table in front of us. From the sunset until the nightfall, when the sky is full of stars,not only did we enjoy a delicious dinner under the candlelight, but also a romantic date with the sea and the stars.



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