

Conservatorium Hotel Amsterdam



大名鼎鼎的音乐学院酒店位于阿姆斯特丹的文化心脏博物馆广场区,这座 1897 年落成的新哥特式建筑原为荷兰储蓄银行而建,它的出现不仅展示了一件欧洲十九世纪末新艺术运动思潮在荷兰的代表建筑作品,也带动了周边文化艺术区建设的兴起,包括阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆,阿姆斯特丹音乐厅,以及1973年落成的黑川纪章的作品梵高美术馆。 在那之后没几年,这家老银行关门退位,阿姆斯特丹公立音乐学院迁入,厚实的银行办公室墙壁成了音乐教室最好的隔音墙,室内高大的新古典风格走廊里却依然乐声飘扬,室外巴尔勒大街 (Van Baerle straat) 上的行人也享受了三十年从窗口飞出的优美琴声。

音乐学院二十一世纪初搬往郊外,留下这座美魅犹存的建筑在寂寞中等候了好多年,直到2008年被赛特集团(The Set)买下建造酒店。那时,百步相邻的梵高博物馆经过1999年的扩建后早已享誉世界。


此时,人们关心的是,这块阿姆斯特丹文化艺术腹地需要再次点亮现代艺术的明灯,阿姆斯特丹的酒店中也需要引入最具有权威性和代表性的现代设计风格。于是,炙手可热的意大利设计师皮埃尔里索尼 Piero Lissoni 被毫无悬念地选中。


三年多的改造周期对 129 间客房的欧洲五星级酒店来说不算慢了,2011年12月,音乐学院酒店正式开业,我们终于看见皮埃尔里索尼是怎样用自己特有的设计语言为这栋百年老楼注入全新活力的。



对里索尼来说,老银行楼内的高大空间正是他发挥“米兰设计美学”的大好机会,手到擒来的黑色空间框架和浅灰色玻璃的搭配,黑钢和黑玻璃混成的曲面楼梯,细纹哑光的大面积深灰色橡木地板,亚麻和藏蓝黑掺杂的布艺沙发,还有简约细腻的现代木制家具幽默精致的现代铁玻灯具,还有陈设艺术和当代艺术在室内的巧妙结合 ...... 所有这些,在这栋十九世纪老建筑幽暗高大的拱廊和房间里与历史静静地对话,与土红色的老砖墙和早已熏黑了的老壁炉慢慢产生感情,终将厮守。现代设计在欧洲历史建筑中如鱼得水绽放精彩,阿姆斯特丹音乐学院酒店是又一个成功的样板。



酒店的公共空间设计亮点很多,尤其是一层的酒店大堂和与之相连的名为“小酒馆”(The Brasserie) 的大堂酒廊,在这个宽敞高大却又视觉丰富的二十几米高空间里,一面是巨大的落地玻璃幕窗,另一面是被收入室内的百年老楼复杂丰富的原始外立面,中间则是看似懒散却紧凑有序的“酒馆”布局,时尚多样的休闲家具和灯饰分组布置,互不干扰,人们一旦进入坐下,视线便不会交集,这种“开放中的私密”和自由放松的环境成功地使“小酒馆”宾客盈门,天天满座。


阿姆斯特丹音乐学院酒店的客房大约有4种单间房型和9种套房房型,从 30 平米到 72 平米,包括单纯的客房和富有公寓特征的套房,以及 3个从 90平米到 170平米的标志性的主题套房。客房大都面向大街开窗,窗户的密封度极好。很多客房是最早的银行办公室,后来则是音乐学院的练琴室,室内设计简洁舒适,满铺的橡木地板温和低调,却光滑到可以光脚行走;局部铺放的浅棕色混纺麻毯在松软的沙发和老派皮椅子脚下乖乖地陪伴;灯具都是二十一世纪的新工业设计产品,傲娇地显示着自己的价值;大镜面液晶黑平板电视和大型淋浴室里深浸泡浴缸也都称得上是客房的超标配置 ......

夜深入睡前,在这个位于路口转角处的“协奏曲”复式套房 Concerto suite 里,仿佛仍能听到数十年前这个高大空间里的脚步声人声和琴声;凭窗向外看,路灯下一辆接一辆有轨电车正在雨后反光的街轨上忙碌地穿梭。


A Home to Your Spirit

The prestigious Conservatorium Hotel is located in the cultural heart of Amsterdam‘s Museum Square district. This neoGothic building, built in 1897, was originally built by the Dutch Savings Bank. Its appearance not only meant a representative work of European 19th century Art Nouveau movement, but also led to the rise of the surrounding cultural and art districts, including the Rijksmuseum, the Amsterdam Concert Hall, and the Van Gogh Museum, which was completed in 1973 by Kisho Kurokawa. In a few years after that, the old bank closed its doors and the Amsterdam Public Conservatory moved in. The thick bank office walls became the best soundproof for the music classroom. Music still flung across the interior of the tall neoclassical corridor, a delight that the pedestrians on the Van Baerle straat have enjoyed for thirty years.

The Conservatory moved to the suburbs at the beginning of the 21st century, leaving this beautiful building to wait in the loneliness for many years until 2008 when The Set group finally acquired it. At that time, the Van Gogh Museum, which was adjacent to the building just hundred steps away, had already gained a worldwide reputation after its expansion in 1999.

Who is Capable of this Design

At this time, people are concerned that this cultural and artistic hinterland in Amsterdam needs to light up the lights of modern art again. Amsterdam hotels also need to introduce the most authoritative and representative modern design style.As a result, the hot Italian designer Piero Lissoni was chosen without any suspense.

As the Van Gogh Museum has expanded its entrance into the worldfamous glass hall to meet the needs of the big visitors traffic, similarly, the transformation from a Conservatory to a hotel also needs a new entrance and a new lobby to ease the traffic and space. Lissoni‘s renowned black steel structure

language is fully expressed here. The tenmeterhigh steel glass hall built in the backyard has become the hotel lobby. The guests and vehicles all enter from the side door facing the Rijksmuseum to the back garden of the hotel, then to the hotel front gate directly. In this way, the front door by the street becomes the back door.

The threeyear renovation cycle was not long for a 129room European fivestar hotel. In December 2011, Conservatorium Hotel officially opened, and we finally saw how Piero Lissoni used his own unique design language to inject new vitality into this centuryold building.

There are many hotels in the old city of Amsterdam, most of which are grown in a centuryold building. Apart from several famous big hotels, most of them are small in size and basically follow the traditional European style and can only be more modern in a limited space, such as the hotel‘s small front lobby, restaurant, or bar. The ”luxury”, which is synonymous with long history and classic traditions in European hotels, has nothing to do with modern design. while today‘s Conservatorium Hotel is the first largescale hotel in Amsterdam and currently the only one completely designed in a modern design.

Milan Design Aesthetics

For Lissoni, the high space in the old bank building is a great opportunity for him to employ the ”Milan design aesthetics”. The black space frame and the light gray glass, curved staircase with black steel and black glass, largearea matte dark grey oak flooring, linen and navy blue fabric sofas, simple and modern wooden furniture, humorous and modern iron light fixtures, and a combination of furnishings and contemporary art...all of them, quietly talking to history in the dark, tall arcades and rooms of this 19thcentury old building, with old red brick walls and old fireplaces that have long been blackened. Modern design has truly blossomed in European historic buildings, and Conservatorium Hotel Amsterdam is another successful model.

Lissoni has preserved many traces of old buildings and old banks for Conservatorium Hotel, such as all the curved columns in the building that perfectly characterize the 19thcentury Art Nouveau movement, the wrought iron railings on the steps,and even the piggy bank pattern on the wall relief. At the same time, he did not forget to express the hotel‘s musical theme. The striking contemporary art installations with dozens of violins hanging in the hotel‘s front door became the center of the guests‘ inevitable photo spot. Less is more.

”The Brasserie” and ”Big Room”

The hotel‘s public spaces are designed with a lot of highlights, especially in the hotel lobby on the first floor and the lobby lounge called ”The Brasserie”. In this spacious and visually rich 20meterhigh space, on the one side, there is a huge floortoceiling glass window, the other side is the complex and rich original facade of the centuryold building that is included in the interior, and the middle is a seemingly lazy but compact and orderly ”Brasserie” layout with stylish furniture and lighting arranged in groups that do not interfere with each other. Once people enter and sit down, they won‘t see eye to eye. This ”open privacy” and relaxed environment have successfully made the ”Brasserie” fully booked everyday.

The Asian restaurant ”The restaurant Taiko” is also on the first floor. ”Taiko” is the Japanese for ”drum”. The restaurant is located in the percussion classroom of the original music school and truly deserved its name. The deepest impressions are the free and private dark tone and weak light that Lissoni designed for these restaurants and bars.

Conservatorium Hotel‘s rooms are available in 4 room types and 9 suites types ranging from 30 square meters to 72 square meters, including simple rooms and apartmentlike suites, and 3 iconic theme suites from 90 square meters to 170 square meters. Most of the rooms have windows facing the street and the windows are extremely sealed. Many of the rooms are the earliest bank offices, and later the music school‘s piano room. The interior design is simple and comfortable. The oak floor is gentle and lowkey, but smooth enough to walk on barefoot. The partiallyplaced soft light brown blended linen is lying underneath the oldschool leather sofa and chair; the lamps are all new industrial design products of the 21st century, which show their value proudly; the large mirror LCD black flat panel TV and the deep soaking bathtub in the large shower room are all the superb configurations of the room...

Before going to sleep at night, in the duplex suite of Concerto suite at the corner of the intersection, it seems that you can still hear the footsteps, vocals and piano sounds in this tall space decades ago; looking out through the window, one tram under the streetlight is busy running on the street amidst the rain.

The hotel is sometimes home to your spirit too.



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