

Akyra Sukhumvit Bangkok



旅游业为环境所带来的巨大污染和沉重负担早已在全球范围亮起红灯,随着普吉岛对吸烟的严格控制巴厘岛全面禁塑令的推进 ...... 更多旅游胜地在为抵御游客污染尝试做出努力,因此要在当下做一个真正够酷的旅行者,不仅需要在旅行中不断刷新自我,更需要肩负一些责任。泰国酒店集团 AKARYN 则首开先河在曼谷建立了亚洲第一家不使用一次性塑料的酒店Akyra Sukhumvit Bangkok,为关注可持续发展的人们提供了旅居的新选择。

不止于此,为了给顾客打造更酷的旅行体验,去年新开业的两家 Akyra 精品酒店选址于曼谷最时髦的区域苏坤威和通罗,以出色的设计和独具特色的酒吧与美食,让旅行者们能够深入探索曼谷都市文化体验其鲜活有趣的国际化大融合。


Akyra苏坤威酒店紧挨着曼谷最热的两个豪华购物商场Emporium和EmQuartier。走进其中,深木色基调的大堂不仅暗示了其环境友好的属性,更将一丝优雅的年代感带入,前台挂满金色小铃铛的钥匙墙和绿色台灯突显了复古韵味,另一边的大堂咖啡厅Siam Soul则以大理石餐桌和金属吊灯将现代与古典结合,十分雅致,不论是早餐还是brunch, Siam Soul漂亮的出品总是吸引客人们忍不住按下快门。身着棕色制服的工作人员与酒店内部气氛和谐呼应,办理入住时他们会带你先在咖啡厅入座享用新鲜的果汁,运气好的话还会被亲切地告知已升级房型哦~

酒店内共46间客房,26到55平米之间不等。我们房间为9间独立卧室的套房之一,也是面积最大的房型。完整的卧室客厅洗手间以及厨房和阳台俨然等同于一间精巧的公寓,室内设计则在原木色调的清新舒适中增加了一些嬉皮的乐趣和品味,如水泥墙 Marshall音响复古皮箱作为茶几......,香槟色的皮座椅和颇具禅意的插花为空间增添了温柔的质感。卧室和客厅的一整面都是全景落地窗,打开即是露天阳台,站在上面方能体验身在曼谷中心的感觉,声色犬马皆触手可及,而拉上门便能立刻回归一片净土。

位于9楼的Rise Rooftop餐厅是整个酒店最为精彩的部分,可以观赏城市景观的玻璃泳池就位于此,大概没有人不想试试在这巨大“鱼缸”中俯瞰曼谷是怎样的体验吧,更不用说它有多么instagramable了夜幕降临后,这个屋顶露天餐厅才真正展现出它的魅力,顶级DJ每周都会驻扎在此为人们现场炮制最in的音乐,当然这里别有风味的泰式烧烤非常美味,在酒店餐饮总监的推荐下我们尝试了餐厅特制的烤肉大拼盘,配有多种口味的蘸料和经典的青木瓜沙拉,伴着曼谷夜晚的凉爽微风,整个夜晚实在是辛辣又兴奋


如果你喜欢在旅行中追随当地创意人或设计师,寻找具有前瞻性和国际视野的地点,在曼谷有很大可能你会被指向通罗。在这个众多时尚而优质的餐厅店铺集合的区域,Akyra通罗酒店也充分吸收其养分和创造力,在通罗的主街上与热门的 EI8HT 复合式商圈为邻,以更具设计感的手法让人们眼前一亮。

酒店由曼谷著名设计公司BEGRAY担纲设计, BEGRAY擅于将当地文化融入设计中创造别具一格的精美作品。在Akyra,他们从20年代的室内装饰中汲取灵感,用丰富的色彩多种不同的材质以及大量的艺术装饰元素打造出一个复古和现代交融的华丽空间。大堂美丽的丝绒沙发皮毛地毯大理石桌面和金属框架无意不让人心驰神往,服务人员的薄荷绿色制服也成了巧妙的装饰,赏心悦目。


位于11楼的Som Tam & Chardonnay餐厅充分体现了酒店不同元素融合的美妙化学反应。正如餐厅名字所暗示青木瓜沙拉和霞多丽葡萄酒,这里的菜品将东西方融合,并且创意性的将泰式沙拉与葡萄酒结合,我们当日在主厨的推荐下品尝了多种口味的青木瓜沙拉,配合侍酒师选的红葡萄酒,酸甜辣在葡萄酒的香气中升华变幻,叫人食欲大开,海鲜泰式风格和牛排西式风格的两种主菜皆表现优秀。饱餐后,可以选择在泳池旁边的Otto Pool Bar喝一杯啤酒。如果是周末,一定要去酒店的Presidente Lounge享用下午茶,其细节精美的艺术装饰风会让人一品那十九世纪二十年代的风华。

A ”Cool” Home in the Tropical Metropolis

The huge pollution and heavy burden brought by the tourism industry have already triggered redalert in the whole world. With the strict control of smoking in Phuket and the comprehensive ban of plastic bags in Bali, more tourism resorts are trying to resist the pollution coming from the tourists, therefore, to be a true cool traveler in the moment, not only does one need to constantly explore during the trip, but also need to shoulder some responsibility. Thai hotel group AKARYN establish the frst hotel in Asia that does not use disposable plastics Akyra Sukhumvit Bangkok, providing a new accommodation choice for people who are concerned about sustainable development.

More than that, in order to create a cooler travel experience for the customers, the two Akyra
boutique hotels newly opened last year were located in the most fashionable areas of Bangkok
Sukhumvit and Thonglor, and equipped with outstanding design, unique bars and cuisine, where
travelers can explore the cosmopolitan of Bangkok and experience its lively fusion.

Environmental Protection and Uncompromised Enjoyment

Akyra Hotel Sukhumvit is next to Emporium and EmQuartier, two of Bangkok‘s hottest luxury shopping malls. Walking into it, the dark woodcoloured lobby not only hints at its environmentally friendly traits, but also brings a touch of elegance. The key wall with gold bells and green table lamp at the front desk highlight the retro charm, and the lobby coffee shop Siam Soul on the other side combines modern and classical with marble dining tables and metal chandeliers. Whether it is breakfast or brunch, Siam Soul‘s beautiful food always lures the guests to snap a picture. The brown uniforms of the staff echo with the atmosphere inside the hotel. When you check in, they will take you to the cafe and bring you fresh juice. If lucky enough, you will be kindly informed of the room upgrade.

There are a total of 46 rooms in the hotel, ranging from 26 to 55 square meters. Our room is one of the 9 onebedroom suites and of the largest room type. The complete bedroom, living room, bathroom, open kitchen and balcony equate to a sophisticated apartment. The interior design adds some hippie fun and taste to the fresh, woodtoned comfort, such as cement walls, Marshall speaker, vintage luggage as a coffee table. The champagnecolored leather seats and the zenlike flower arrangement add a gentle texture to the space. A panoramic floortoceiling window that opens to the openair balcony crossing from living room to bedroom is just a great touch, standing on the balcony, you can breath the feeling of living in the center of Bangkok. The busy city is within your reach, while a quiet peaceful space is easy to realize by closing the door.

The Rise Rooftop on the 9th floor is the most exciting part of the hotel, where a glass pool with city views is located.Almost everyone would want to have the experience of overlooking Bangkok in this huge ”fish tank”, let alone how instagramable it is After the nightfall, this rooftop open air restaurant really shows its charm. Top DJ is stationed here making really nice live music for people. Of course, the Thai barbecue is very delicious. Recommended by the hotel catering director, we tried the restaurant‘s special barbecue platter with a variety of tastes and classic green papaya salad, accompanied by the cool breeze of Bangkok, the whole night is just spicy and exciting

Infusion and Retro

If you like meet creators and designers while travelling and prefer places with forwardlooking and international perspectives, there is a good chance that you will be directed to Thonglor in Bangkok. In the area where many fashionable and highquality restaurants and shops gather, adjacent to the popular EI8HT shopping mall on the main street, Akyra Hotel Thonglor fully absorbs its nutrients and creativity with a more designoriented style.

The hotel is designed by BEGRAY, a design studio based in Bangkok known for integrating local culture into the design to create unique and beautiful works. In Akyra, they draw inspiration from the interiors of the 1920s, creating a gorgeous blend of vintage and modern style with rich colors, a variety of different materials and a large number of art deco elements. The beautiful velvet sofas, fur rugs, marble tabletops and metal frames in the lobby are the most attractive of them all. The staff‘s mint green uniforms have also become a clever decoration that is pleasant to the eye.

The 148 rooms include lovely studio rooms and huge suites with 13 bedrooms. Whether in the hotel corridor or in the interior of the room, it is filled with Thonglorrelated artworks and custom furniture. Floortoceiling windows face the hotel‘s infinity pool and the vibrant city scene. Living here brings forth the experience of living inside of Thonglor in many ways.

The Som Tam & Chardonnay restaurant on the 11th floor exemplifies the wonderful chemical reaction of the different elements of the hotel. As the name of the restaurant suggests–green papaya salad and Chardonnay wine, the dishes here blend the East and the West, and creatively combine Thai salad with wine. We tasted a variety of flavors of Som Tam as recommended by the chef, together with the red wine selected by the sommelier. Sour, sweet and spicy, the aroma of the wine has certainly increased our appetite. The Thai style seafood and the Western style steak of the two main dishes are both excellent. After that, you can choose to have a beer at the Otto Pool Bar next to the pool. And one more great treat for your journey, be sure to visit the hotel‘s Presidente Lounge for afternoon tea, where you will definitely be wowed by the fine art deco style of the 1920s.



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