
阿尔弗莱德 • 索米尔酒店

Hotel Alfred Sommier



“假如你有幸年轻时在巴黎生活过,那么此后一生中不论去到哪里她都与你同在,因为巴黎是一席流动的盛宴”。我们 9 月初抵达巴黎时,惊喜这里已树叶半黄秋味甚浓,私想真是幸上加幸⸺本就令人神往的巴黎,此时美起来更是毫不费力。每座房子都在秋日的金光下越发雅致,每条街道都如同被舞者的脚尖轻踮着,亮晃晃的仿佛置身梦境 ......

秋天的巴黎无疑是更为私密的,清朗的节气过滤了与之初次相见的陌生寒暄,它伸出手拥抱并像朋友般轻吻双颊以示欢迎。而我们此次探访的新开业酒店 Hotel Alfred Sommier,更像是一座尊贵美丽的私人宅邸,让本是充满未知的游客旅行变成一次温暖亲密的友人到访,一切可谓水到渠成。


Alfred Sommier酒店不同于寻常的豪华酒店。湖蓝色的大门敞开着,两边单独的小房间是礼宾室,脚踏石板砖,穿过厚石砌成的高挑门廊,眼前是处露天的院子。没有多余工作人员和来往繁杂的顾客,礼宾递走行李再将我们引入院子右侧接待处,此时黄昏将至,酒店不大的接待处微亮着灯光,坐下来和前台打过招呼掏出护照,竟然有种到家了的轻松。

这处建于 1860 年的建筑原先便是Sommier家族居住的房子,现仍由家族一位后代保管并将其精心打造为如今这座酒店。Alfred Sommier曾是法国制糖业的巨头,其父在巴黎建立起家族企业后于玛琳教堂旁买下了一块宽敞的地脚来搭建自己的家园,于是请来著名建筑师Joseph Lesoufaché在此建造了两座连接成双的石砌建筑,彼时巴黎正在奥斯曼男爵的领导下进行城市重建,这栋私人宅邸则是以18世纪建筑为灵感的典型奥斯曼式建筑。

将家族事业发展至全盛的 Alfred Sommier是家族的代表人物,而百年后重修为酒店并以Alfred Sommier命名,这栋历史深厚的宅邸最大化保留了其家族灵魂,将现代艺术创意与建筑原始的遗产融合,从而让客人得以充分感受到这份足以跨越时间的家族精神法式优雅事业进取心以及对艺术的热情。


酒店大堂悬挂的巨幅油画是孩童时期的Alfred Sommier与其胞妹Anne Sommier,大堂随处可见的精巧摆设和艺术品也大都来自于家族收藏,石榴红丝绒座椅与镀金的宽大装饰镜使整体空间优雅而从容。继续向前,洁白的大理石楼梯以两座线条优美的女神像柱支撑,完好保存于一个世纪前,十分壮丽,中心悬挂的吊灯烛光熠熠,顺此而上便可以抵达客人的房间。

这栋私人大宅如今以80间客房对外开放预订,房间由室内设计师Colombe Desazars设计。深谙家族历史的他保留了房间内极高挑高的天花板细致的房顶石膏雕花气派的红色大理石火炉,又将现代设计元素的家具和装饰融合其中,房间色调或呈静谧的孔雀蓝或呈尊贵的金黄色,华丽的漆金镜子勾起一世纪前的巴黎风情,当季的鲜花则让人感觉温馨,而在顶楼的房间还能欣赏到埃菲尔铁塔或远处的蒙马特山。房间内的洗浴用品全部来自娇兰,这个同样产于19世纪跨越了时间的经典品牌与Sommier家族可谓不谋而合。

地处巴黎中心,与老佛爷百货和巴黎春天等购物商区仅步行之距,这栋已经藏的够隐蔽的酒店内部还藏着一座美丽的花园典型的法式对称式园林,以洁白小石铺就,高低错落的植物中一座依墙而建的小型喷泉正流水潺潺,居住在此的客人可以在花园中用餐或只是喝杯咖啡闲坐。更为特别的是,你还可以预约与酒店主人即Sommier家族后代Richard de Warren de Rosanbo先生共同用餐,听他讲述家族轶事和历史故事,可以说是真正的Sommier家的客人了。

An Autumn Date in a Paris Private Residence

”If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” When we arrived in Paris in early September, we were pleasantly surprised that the leaves were half yellow and the autumn smell was very strong. As fascinating as it is, it‘s effortless for Paris to be beautiful. Every house looks elegant under the golden light of autumn, and every street is like touched by a dancer‘s toes, and it all seems to be in a dream...

Autumn in Paris is undoubtedly more intimate and welcoming like a dear friend. The newly opened Hotel Alfred Sommier that we visited this time is more like a noble and beautiful private residence, which turns this tourist journey into a warm and intimate visit to a friend‘s house.Hotel Alfred Sommier is different from the usual luxury hotels. The lakeblue door is open, and the small rooms on both sides are concierge rooms. Walking past the stonebrick pathway, through the highrise porches built by thick stones, an openair yard came into view. There were no redundant staff or overflowing customers. The concierge first took our luggage and then led us to the reception desk on the right side of the yard. At this time, the evening was approaching. The hotel reception was lightly lit. After sitting down and talking to the front desk, showing them the passports, I felt like home.

Built in 1860, the building was originally the residence of the Sommier family and is still kept by a descendant of the family who carefully crafted it into this hotel. Alfred Sommier used to be a giant in the French sugar industry. His father founded a family business in Paris and bought a large building plot to build his home next to la Madeleine Church. So he invited the famous architect Joseph Lesoufaché to build two twin stone buildings. At the time, Paris was undergoing acity renovation under the leadership of Baron Osman, and this private residence was inspired by 18thcentury architecture of Ottomanstyle building.

Alfred Sommier, who has developed the family business to its full, is a representative of the family. After a hundred years of reestablishment, the hotel was named after Alfred Sommier. This historic mansion has preserved its family soul, with the fusion of modern art and architecture heritage, allowing the guests to fully appreciate the family spirit across time – French elegance, entrepreneurial spirit and passion for art.

A Unique Private Experience

The paintings hanging in the hotel lobby are childhood portraits of Alfred Sommier and his sister Anne Sommier. The exquisite furnishings and artwork in the lobby are mostly from the family collection. The pomegranate red velvet seat and the goldplated wide decorative mirror make the overall space elegant and calm. Moving forward, the white marble staircase is supported by two beautiful statues of goddesses, wellpreserved since a century ago and very magnificent. The chandeliers in the center are lightly lit and you can reach your room as you go up the stairs.

This private mansion now has 80 rooms open to public booking and the rooms were designed by interior designerColombe Desazars. With deep knowledge of the history of the family, he retains the high ceilings in the room, the meticulously carved plaster on the roof, the imposing red marble stove, and mixes with the furniture and decoration of the modern design elements. The rooms are either set in peacock blue or magnificent golden yellow tones, with gorgeous lacquered gold mirror evoking the Parisian style of a century ago, and heartwarming seasonal flowers. One can also enjoy the view of Eiffel Tower or the Montmartre Mountains in the distance in the top floor rooms. The amenities in the bathroom are all from Guerlain, a classic brand that is also established in the 19th century, which coincides with the Sommier family.

Located in the heart of Paris, just a short walk from the shopping districts of Galeries Lafayette and Printemps Department Store, this hidden hotel also houses a beautiful garden – a typical French symmetrical garden paved with white stones. Among the high and low plants, a small fountain built on the wall is flowing, and guests who live here can dine in the garden or just sit for a cup of coffee. What‘s more, you can also make an appointment to dine with the owner of the hotel, a Sommier family, Richard de Warren de Rosanbo, to hear him talk about family anecdotes and historical stories and to be a true Sommier family guest.



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