

The Plaza Hotel New York


纽约广场酒店The Plaza位于第五大道和中央公园南侧的黄金地段,是纽约上东区著名的地标饭店,也是纽约市内最经典最完整的百年酒店建筑。自1907年开业以来,一直是名流显要的下榻之地,美国著名作家沃德莫尔豪斯曾如此评价:“广场酒店就是名流的代名词。”《酒店精品》访问小组一行数人于6月盛夏受邀入住体验,感受良多。

一百多年来,广场酒店一直是纽约城市的亮点,国王总统国际政要舞台和银幕上的明星们,纷至沓来,频频聚集于此;半个世纪前,更有些著名的音乐家作家和建筑师喜欢在酒店包房常驻,在此生活和创作。至今,大量奢华的社交活动仍不会忘记这里,不少经典好莱坞电影也都寻找机会在此取景拍摄,“把故事放进这家酒店,电影就更有故事”,已是不争的共识。“The Plaza”,始终不缺故事,始终不缺曝光度,始终不曾寂寞。


纽约广场酒店拥有 282 间独具特色的最宽敞空间的客房,其中102间是豪华套房;所有酒店客房和另外拥有的152套高级公寓,都实行全天候白手套管家服务。

一个世纪以来,酒店正门里面的高大中庭棕榈园咖啡厅The Palm Court ,一直是纽约上层的约会地标。这个供应早餐下午茶晚间食物和现场调制鸡尾酒的神秘厅堂承载了太多人文轶事,虽历经多次易主改造,却始终被精心呵护保留了下来。高大的钢结构彩色玻璃灯光天花尽显本世纪初新艺术运动的装饰工艺特征,法式宫廷风格的金色墙饰和鎏金雕刻,无柱宽阔空间的完美气势,温和而丰富的灯光表演,中央吧台柜顶上茂盛而精致的鲜花秀,以及晶莹剔透的水晶吊灯和壁灯,尤其是那几株傲娇挺拔的棕榈树大盆栽,几乎要冠盖全厅的气场,把整个空间的气氛提升到令人称羡和迷恋的高度。这个效果,好像已经超越了单纯的设计,产生了文化和美学相融后的魔力,无论住店的客人,还是外来的消费者,不仅趋之若鹜,而且心悦诚服。



酒店的客房基本是路易十五时期法国皇家装饰的再现,只不过在色彩运用上做了减法,保留了白色金色和个别家具的褐木色,去除了法式的红色。客房内提供的 iPad 平板电脑可让每一位客人方便地选择品种繁多的酒店服务;水吧和酒吧合并一起,台面宽大功能完善;床品和洁具也毫无悬念的保持最高水准,使用起来很是舒适。还要一提的是,每间客房装饰里那无所不在的水晶吊灯和近在眼前墙上的水晶壁灯,也真是让人醉了,西方美学认为“豪华必有水晶灯”的概念由此可见一般。

酒店第四层的欧缇丽Spa拥有多达十四间带有“法国风味”装饰的豪华迷人的护理室,2009年被评为纽约五大最美 Spa 之一,规模如此可观,还要抢先预订才有,可见倍受欢迎。享一种奢华的感官体验,品一杯盖茨比主题鸡尾酒,在广场酒店,迷者沉迷,爱者挚爱,自有天知。

The Plaza New York is a prestigious landmark hotel in the Upper East Side of New York, a prime location on Fifth Avenue and south of Central Park, the most fashionable residential section in New York City. Since its opening in 1907, it has been a prominent place for celebrities. The famous American writer Ward Morehouse once commented: ”It is synonymous with celebrities.” ”Hotel Elite” team, totaled four people, came to the hotel to experience the hospitality in June.

For over 100 years, The Plaza has been the New York hotel to see and be seen. Kings, presidents, and stars of stage and screen have all gathered and stayed at The Plaza. The most lavish social affairs, as well as classic Hollywood films have all used the legendary hotel as their setting; In 2008, the hotel was refurbished for US450 million to restore its spectacular appearance. She witnessed the development of New York and also the history of New York.

The Plaza New York currently has 282 unique guest rooms,of which 102 are the largest in size in New York City. The rich and elegant decorating art is inspired by the French decoration of the Louis XV period. All suite guests can enjoy the White Glove Butler service. The inroom iPad tablet makes it easy for every guest to use a wide variety of services. History has left it with a graceful and elegant atmosphere, and the modern technology facilities help to meet the daily needs.

For a century, The Palm Court has been an afternoon tea landmark in New York City. It has a timeless and elegant style, serving breakfast, afternoon tea, evening food and handmade cocktails. The Caudalie Vinotherapie Spa on the fourth floor has 14 modern, luxurious and charming treatments room with ”French” décor and was named one of New York‘s five most beautiful spas in 2009; guests can enjoy a hot spring spa while drinking a Gatsbythemed cocktail, what a feast of both sight and taste.

This is a luxury place where New York celebrities gather and is filled with a rich atmosphere of the times, melting the traditional history and the modern city together perfectly.



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