

Carlowrie Castle



诞生于1852年的卡洛里城堡近两百年来只居住过两个家族Hutchison哈奇森家族和Marshall马歇尔家族。卡洛里由维多利亚时期的杰出建筑师David Rhind 设计建造,David Rhind擅长融合新古典主义风和苏格兰传统豪宅元素,由他建造的众多苏格兰公共建筑如今已被列入历史遗产。曾任爱丁堡市长的 Thomas Hutchison,委托David 为其建造一座城堡作为自己的家园,而当城堡落成时Thomas已经不幸过世。

虽然Thomas与之无缘,秀丽清朗又不失大气的卡洛里城堡则成为了哈奇森家族后代的乐园,其最著名的家庭成员为 Isobel Wylie Hutchison 伊泽贝尔・怀利・哈奇森世界上第一位女极地探险家,被称为“雪中花”,同时也是植物收藏家和作家。卡洛里广阔的占地和美丽的花园自幼激发了伊泽贝尔对植物的兴趣,具有语言天赋的她更是从14岁起就在城堡内编写家族杂志。


如今的城堡主人Andrew Marshall 说:“我在卡洛里长大,这个被称为‘家’的地方对我来说非常特别,所以当它被重修为一个私人场所时,更多的是一种爱的投入,这个城堡有着美妙的过去,我希望能够保留它的遗产,敏感地进行重新设计,从而不让它的故事丢失。”




分布于三层的九个房间,每一间都以曾居住于此的家族成员名字命名,并根据其性格和爱好独立设计。房间内的各处细节考究至极,床和衣橱都是纯手工打造,床品为650支埃及棉,枕头填充来自匈牙利天鹅羽毛;洗手间地面由意大利大理石瓷砖铺就,独立的黄铜浴缸临着窗户,可以边泡澡边欣赏花园美景,而地下一层套房的洗手间还独立配有火炉,面积足足有正常卧室之大。城堡内公共区域为一个休闲酒吧,一个装饰精美的图书馆,可以满足办公需求的现代会议室,以及可以享用美食的Piano Room。自开放以来,卡洛里吸引了来自世界各地的人们,见证了无数动人的婚礼,举办过许多时髦有趣的派对。

不论晨昏昼夜,卡洛里的花园都值得走一走。城堡一旁是由Mackenzie and Moncur设计的维多利亚风温室,随时节而变的植物在这里生机勃勃,有些根茎甚至来自百年前的遥远国度,由伊泽贝尔种下,如今已经花开满园。作为一座城堡,卡洛里打动我们的不只是它的遗产和故事,更是它的活力和新生。

A Fearless Soul of Exploration

Carlowrie Castle, born in 1852, has accommodated only two families for nearly two hundred years the Hutchison family and the Marshall family. Designed and built by Victorian architect David Rhind, who specialized in blending neoclassical style with Scots Baronial architecture. Many of the Scottish public buildings he built are now listed as historical heritage sites. Thomas Hutchison, the former mayor of Edinburgh,commissioned David to build a castle for his home, but Thomas unfortunately died when the castle was completed.

Although Thomas did not live to see the house, the beautiful Carlowrie Castle has become a paradise for the descendants of the Hutchison family. Its most famous family member is Isobel Wylie Hutchison, the world‘s first female arctic explorer, known as the”flower in the snow”, who is also a plant collector and writer. The vast land and beautiful gardens of Carlowrie Castle inspired Isobel‘s interest in plants since childhood. She also has a linguistic talent and has started writing family magazines in the castle since she was 14 years old.

These have laid an important foundation for Isobel‘s legendary life. In the 1920s, Isobel started a solo journey from the Middle East. In 1927, she took a boat into Greenland and explored areas not known by the public. Isobel was not afraid of the harsh environment and made friends with the local people. A number of precious plant species have been collected during the six month long polar journey. After that, she traveled to other countries and collected plants. She is an important contributor to the UK Royal Garden. Those experience brought a wealth of writing materials to Isobel. She wrote many influential books and articles, and made various inspiring speeches, gradually becoming a leader in women‘s independence programs. Isobel remained unmarried for life, dedicating his life to endless exploration and thinking, and died in 1982 in Carlowrie Castle.

The current castle owner, Andrew Marshall,said: ”I grew up in Carlowrie Castle. This place called ‘home‘ is very special for me, so when it is rebuilt as a private venue, it‘s a real labour of love for me. This castle has a wonderful past, I hope to preserve its heritage and redesign it with sensitivity so that its story wouldn‘t lost.”

A Meticulous Contemporary Style

After careful renovation, Carlowrie Castle was opened to the public in 2015. There are nine bedrooms in the castle to accommodate 18 people, and the 32acre manor house provides an excellent venue for weddings and outdoor activities for up to 500 people. Andrew‘s ”preserve the heritage” is not just the restoration and consolidation of the castle‘s original appearance, but the overall redesign and decoration of the castle in a modern style, with new elements to convey the story and character of the castle, Isobel‘s independence, tenacity and vitality.

The castle is connected to the basement and the two floors above ground by a pure black central staircase, forming a symmetrical structure. The black railings, navy blue door panels, light gray walls and carpets form a lowkey and cool main color tones, which is decorated with hot pink. The color distribution is seen in lighting, paintings and seats. It is like an independent clue that contrasts with the overall tone, yet it‘s not awkward but modern, with vitality and charm. Delicate pink lilies in the atrium greet the guests with elegant floral fragrance. On the first floor and second floor corridors are a large collection of contemporary works of Andrew‘s private collection, including a series of portraits of several outstanding female artists, including Emily Blunt and Angelina Jolie.

The nine rooms are spread across the three floors, and each was named after the family members who lived there, and was designed independently according to their personality and hobbies. The details of the room are exquisite, the bed and wardrobe are handmade, the bed is 650 thread count Egyptian cotton, the pillow is filled with Hungarian swan feathers; the bathroom floor is covered with Italian marble tiles, and the separate brass bathtub sitting against the window allow you to enjoy the view of the garden while taking a bath. The washroom in the basement suite is also equipped with a separate stove. The public area of the castle is a casual bar, a beautifullydecorated library, a modern meeting room, and Piano Room for dining. Since its opening, Carlowrie Castle has attracted people from all over the world, witnessed countless weddings and hosted many chic and interesting parties.

Regardless of the morning and night, Carlowrie Castle‘s garden is worth a visit. On the side of the castle is a Victorian wind greenhouse designed by Mackenzie and Moncur. The seasonal plants are full of vitality, some of the roots even came from distant countries 100 years ago and were planted by Isobel. As a castle, Carlowrie impressed us not only with its heritage and story, but also with its energy and spirit.



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