

The Lumiares Hotel




据此判断里斯本是一个慵懒而没有朝气的城市未免为时过早。把时钟调到晚上11点吧,到上城区去邂逅里斯本最时髦的年轻人们,在那儿随意找家咖啡馆喝一杯,再到鲁米莱酒店The Lumiares订一间房,里斯本最当下的文化和生活方式才正式登场。







酒店内大量使用的黄铜可见其对上城区之 “光” 的热爱,其中最令人惊叹的要属酒店中心楼梯区域悬挂的巨型黄铜吊灯。它由葡萄牙灯光艺术家Beau McClellan创造,值得一提的是,Beau在2010年设计的吊灯曾打破世界上最大吊灯的吉尼斯记录。他为鲁米莱酒店精心设计的这盏吊灯贯穿着酒店的上下空间,通过每个小单元光源对黄铜框架的反射,使得吊灯无论在一天的任何时刻都散发着迷人的光晕。



鲁米莱酒店共有五层,客房占据一到四层。 53间客房面积从35平米到120平米不等,其中包含5间上下层结构的loft,各有风格,满足不同的居住需求。这里的客房更像是艺术工作室和设计公寓,把五星级酒店的设施标准与高级公寓的格调相结合,从而使住客在远离家的地方拥有亲的居住体验。酒店敏锐捕捉到了人们对家和设计的心理诉求,将灯光色彩织物装饰品搭配得十分和谐与舒心,同时更不忘宣传里斯本的初衷。客房客厅和酒店大堂所悬挂的羊毛手织挂毯,是来自欧洲古老的手工毯工坊Ferreira de Sá专为鲁米莱酒店定制,选用了里斯本的代表性色彩和图案;墙上挂的摄影作品来自葡萄牙摄影师Vasco Celio,呈现了塔霍河以及里斯本电车电缆的光影效果;床头悬挂的作品来自当代艺术家Maser,描绘了里斯本的色彩;如果仔细寻找还可以在房间里找到里斯本最著名的“文艺青年” 诗人佩索阿的诗句,是图像艺术家Joao Rei 活字印刷的成果。


饮食是鲁米莱酒店所倡导的生活方式中重要的组成部分。酒店一楼的轻食餐厅Mercado Café 是葡萄牙本土饮食的现代演绎,原木纯白落地窗让人心情舒畅,这里的Brunch尤其值得推荐,一杯咖啡和一份蛋挞,一定能找到里斯本清晨的正确打开方式。


除此之外,主厨Miguel也是一定要来Lumni用餐的重要原因。 Miguel是葡萄牙最有声望的主厨之一,在国外美食还被葡萄牙人排斥的年代,Miguel就融合别国风味做出许多大胆的尝试,是葡萄牙美食界的先锋人物。在Lumni,客人得以品尝Miguel和他的团队共同创作的菜品,现代与传统并存本土与国际融合,常常超越想象给味蕾带来惊喜。正如丝绒座椅和大理石元素塑造了Lumni餐厅的优雅基调, “戴” 着绿色墨镜的历史人物挂画却又博客人欢心一笑,不同元素的碰撞才是这里的灵魂。

The Old Palace Giving Rise to a New Generation

If it is the first time you come to Lisbon, it‘s easy to feel the standstill of time.”Skyscrapers” doesn‘t belong here. The sunshine sprinkles on the low and old houses and crisscrossing gravel roads, the splendor is simply untrue; the ”man with a briefcase rushing along” doesn‘t belong here. On the face of the Lisbon people. It‘s hard to see a hurried expression. The nine to five schedule doesn‘t seem to exist on their watch even.

But it is too early to judge that Lisbon is a lazy and lifeless city. Turn the clock to 11pm and go to Bairro Alto to meet up the most fashionable young people in Lisbon,get a cup of coffee from a cafe, and book a room at The Lumiares, then it is show time for Lisbon‘s most contemporary culture and lifestyle.

The Lumiares Hotel is undoubtedly the ”new generation” of the Lisbon hotel industry. It has only been opened for one year, but it has become a household name in the Uptown District. What magical power was hidden in this former 17thcentury Countess Palace hotel, that prompted fashionable men and women to check in here. After we experienced ourselves in the hotel this spring, we finally found the answer.

More than three centuries ago, a countess of the Lumiares family ordered to build a palace for himself after losing her husband and demanded that it be higher than all buildings in the surrounding area. Today‘s Lumiares Hotel not only uses the countess‘s surname, but also has the best view of the uptown area because of her. In addition, ”Lumiares” means ”bright” in Portuguese, so the logo of Lumiares Hotel is an image of a luminous body, like the sun, and also like a lamp, that echoes the abundant sunshine and exciting nightlife here.

Representative of the Neighborhood

The original intention of the Lumiares Hotel was to show the true nature and personality of Lisbon, so it cooperated with many local Portuguese companies and artists. Almost every piece of furniture, tile and decoration in the hotel was designed and produced in Portugal, some even came from places within 500 meters of the hotel. The founders wanted to present the best part of Lisbon to their guests.

In terms of design concepts, the hotel hopes to best reflect the character of Bairro Alto. This neighborhood is a fusion of old and new art, nightclubs and Michelin restaurants, studios and high fashion brands. It is also this quality that attracts the founders of the hotel the most. Therefore, in many of the interior design of the hotel, you can find the projection of the characteristics of Bairro Alto.

Bairro Alto is formed by a matrix of cross and parallel roads. Once inside the Lumiares, the floor tiles are designed with this inspiration in mind. The large black area in the lobby is in contrast to the brass, which mirrors the strong contrast of the day and the night of Bairro Alto. The public areas and the rooms are colored in pink, yellow, and blue, which echoes the various colored houses on the streets.

The extensive use of brass in the hotel shows the love for the ”light” of Bairro Alto, and the most amazing of these is a giant brass chandelier suspended from the stairs in the center of the hotel. It was created by the Portuguese lighting artist Beau McClellan. It is worth mentioning that the chandelier designed by Beau in 2010 had broken the Guinness Book record of the world‘s largest chandelier. The chandelier he designed for Lumiares runs through the space above and below of the hotel, reflecting each small unit light source through the brass frame, so that the chandelier exudes a fascinating glow at any moment of the day.

Homelike Trendy Venue

The best representative of Bairro Alto is the residents . Many of them are artists, writers, and craftsmen, so the whole neighborhood is full of hippy and bohemian style. The design of the Lumiares Hotel rooms is to satisfy these people‘s preferences.

The Lumiares has five floors and the guest rooms occupy four. The 53 rooms range from 35 to 120 square meters. Among them, there are 5 lofts ,each with its own style to meet different needs. The rooms here are more like art studios and design apartments, combining the facilities and standards of a fivestar hotel with the style of a highend apartment, so that residents can have an intimate living experience away from home. The hotel has sharply captured people‘s psychological aspirations towards home and design. It matches the lights, colors, fabrics and decorations with harmony and comfort, and at the same time, it does not forget to publicize the original intention of Lisbon. Wool handwoven tapestries hanging from the guest room living room and the hotel lobby from the old handmade carpet workshop in Europe Ferreira de Sá, are tailormade for the Lumiares hotel, using Lisbon‘s representative colors and patterns; photography on the wall comes from The Portuguese photographer Vasco Celio, and shows the light effects of the Lisbon cable cars and the Tagus River; the bedside works are from the contemporary artist Maser, depicting the colors of Lisbon; if you look closely, you can also find Lisbon‘s most famous ”literary poet”, Pessoa‘s poems in the room, which is the result of Joao Rei‘s movable type printing work.

Cultural Expression in Taste

Diet is an important part of the lifestyle advocated by Lumiares Hotel.The Mercado Café, the casual restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, is a modern interpretation of the Portuguese diet. The wood, white, and floorto ceiling windows make people feel at ease. The Brunch here is especially worth recommending. A cup of coffee and a tart will definitely find the right way to welcome the Lisbon morning.

Staying in Lumiares, you must not miss the Lumni restaurant on the top floor. The demanding height from the countess can only be understood by sitting here. By the restaurant‘s terrace, the high and low roofs of the downtown area are spread out in front of your eyes and the scenery of the Tagus River is unobstructed. In the evening, when the entire neighborhood began partying, if you can book a place in Lumni, that was undoubtedly the best place for the nightlife of Bairro Alto.

In addition, Chef Miguel is also the reason to come to Lumni for dinner. Miguel is one of the most prestigious chefs in Portugal. In the time when foreign cuisine was still rejected by the Portuguese, Miguel made many bold attempts to blend the flavors of other countries and was a pioneer in the Portuguese cuisine industry. At Lumni, guests were able to taste the dishes that Miguel and his team cocreated. The fusion of modern and traditional,local and international, often surprises the taste buds beyond imagination.Just as velvet seats and marble elements shape the elegant tone of the Lumni restaurant, the historical figures wearing ”green sunglasses” make the guests laugh. The collision of different elements is the soul here.



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