

Raffles Europejski Warsaw


2018年6月1日,华沙莱佛士优若派斯基酒店 Raffles Europejski Warsaw 在万众瞩目中盛大开幕。这座波兰标志性建筑经全面翻新后重新营业,将逾160年的历史和传承融入莱佛士酒店及度假酒店品牌的丰厚文化底蕴中,成为继巴黎和伊斯坦布尔之后的第三个欧洲度假胜地,在此可享受无与伦比的莱佛士酒店标志性服务。

这座新文艺复兴风格的宫殿式酒店可追溯至1857年,由Enrico Marconi建造,19世纪时,因作为欧洲酒店的尊贵典范(Grand Dame)而声名大噪,如今历时四年终于重拾其战前辉煌。鲜明的波兰特色优雅的室内设计,搭配由扎切塔国家美术馆前馆长Anda Rottenberg精心策划的优若派斯基酒店精选艺术系列,展示了现代和当代波兰的顶级艺术。

酒店共有 106 间客房及套房,采用经典装修风格,装饰着黑橡木地板当代波兰艺术品,配有图书角以及光滑大理石打造的浴室,浴室为装饰艺术风格,情调高雅。总统套房是该酒店熠熠闪耀的明珠,占地面积达293平方米,宏伟壮丽。

Raffles Europejski Warsaw opened on June 1st 2018. Bringing over 160 years of history and heritage to the culturally rich Raffles Hotels & Resorts brand, this fully restored Polish icon joins Paris and Istanbul as the third European destination where the inimitable Raffles experience can be found.

Dating back to 1857, the neorenaissance palace built by Enrico Marconi and renowned as a Grand Dame of European hotels during the 19th century, has been, over the last four years, painstakingly restored to its prewar glory. Proudly Polish, the elegant interiors showcase the very best of modern and contemporary Polish art, with a carefully curated Hotel Europejski collection by Anda Rottenberg, a former Director of the Zachęta National Gallery of Art.

The 106 rooms and suites are classically stylish with blackened oak floors, contemporary Polish art, a corner library and sleek marble clad bathrooms with Art Deco touches. But the jewel in the crown is the Presidential Suite, spread over a magnificent 293 square metres.



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