

The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore




怀旧式的经典法式餐厅,巧妙利用温暖的灰调配搭焦橘色及深紫色,映衬10米高的象牙色法式墙身嵌板及硬朗的人字形橡木地板。这间280平方米的休息处重现过往的社交沙龙。从接待处和珍藏着800瓶佳酿的极品酒窖往内走,来到主餐区。Andre Fu以各种诱惑色调打造餐厅的精细神韵,并以法式嵌板和橡木地板加以中和。加上两间充斥着奢华当代枝形吊灯和威尼斯风格镜子的隔离的用餐区,让整体设计更加完美。

餐馆保留“The Clifford Pier(红灯码头)”原名,旨在对本地独特的小贩文化致敬,同时重塑红灯码头固有的饮食文化色彩。菜单主打本地美食,招牌是香味四溢的“红灯码头叻沙”(The Clifford Pier Laksa)味道浓郁微辣的椰浆汤汁,搭配米粉鲜虾豆腐泡和鹌鹑蛋;“娘惹小金杯”(Ubin Kueh Pie Tee)自制的酥脆杯状脆饼里盛满炒香的芜菁丝鲜虾等,爽脆可口;炒萝卜糕镬气十足,味道咸中带甜,口感厚实有咬劲,叫人欲罢不能。“两代拉车面” (Two Generations of Rickshaw Noodles)是由汤面和干捞两个版本组成,面汤是新加坡的原味拉车面,干捞则是重新诠释的新版本配卤五花肉及水浴蛋。

餐馆内,旧情绵绵的音乐表演,勾起人们对 Clifford Pier 这个地标性景点旧日光辉岁月的无限回忆。  

The Song of Early Settlers

The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore opened on July 8, 2010. At its prime waterfront location at Marina Bay, the luxury hotel exudes a classical and elegant atmosphere that aptly captures Singapore‘s modernity while upholding its heritage. Completely built over water, the hotel is a stunning, jewellike addition to the renowned Marina Bay waterfront, and is illuminated by the setting sun. The hotel is ensconced between the iconic heritage buildings, Clifford Pier and Customs House. Both buildings played important roles in Singapore‘ s history and saw the arrival of many of Singapore‘ s early settlers. Design wunderkind Andre Fu‘ s design talent is evident throughout the Hotel‘s four dining destinations, presenting a song of early settlers.    

mmersing diners in a regal experience aligned with the Pier‘s momentous role in the history of Singapore, The Clifford Pier adopts an overall palette of mineral blue, warm tangerine and soft beige, accented with rustic stone counters and adorned with stunning blue and white porcelain vases. Bespoke lights, fabrics and an eclectic mix of furniture inject a breath of fresh air into the pier while historical lithographs, photographs and prints coupled with a showcase of books from past to present reflect the timelessness of the space.

Our new dining destination preserves the Pier‘s intrinsic hawker culture and honours its historical role as the landing point of Singapore‘s forefathers, as well as a melting pot of diverse cultures. Presenting the best of Singapore‘s delicacies and reinterpretations of Asian specialties and Western classics, our signatures include Soup Kambing; a traditional mutton soup with local spices, Porchetta; a slowroasted spiceinfused crispy suckling pig, and Two Generations of Rickshaw Noodles that is served as a duo: the soup version with stewed yellow Hokkien noodles and the dry version with handmade ban mian (flat noodles) and simmered pork belly.

In the evenings, let our Jazz duo indulge your senses from Mondays to Saturdays, and our pianistsinger on Sundays.



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