

St. Regis Istanbul



喜达屋旗下的多个酒店品牌里,瑞吉(St. Regis)无论怎么衡量都是最高端最豪华的代表。从1904年诞生至今,虽几经波折,其风韵却不减分毫。或许这个品牌在新加坡这样的城市国家会显得有些厚重,但奥匈帝国曾经的首府伊斯坦布尔却能“镇住”这富丽堂皇却又低调典雅的纽约老牌。


当出租车进入瑞吉所在地Nisantasi 区时,周遭的繁华与时尚确实与纽约异曲同工。这里有纽约和伦敦的奢侈品牌,也有服务最好的精品餐馆,当然还有一股张狂的劲儿,在这座古老的城市暗流涌动。

An Old City‘s New Yorker

Of Starwood‘ s many hotels, St. Regis has always been the most highend, luxury representatives measured against any standards. Since its birth in 1904, the charm of St. Regis has not diminished through the twists and turns. Perhaps the citystate of Singapore has made the brand seem somewhat out of place, but Istanbul, Turkey, is able to quell this magnificent and elegant historical brand of New York.

”For St. Regis hotel, it is quite important to be stationed in this city,” said the marketing manager Selim Olmez, who, though a local, has worked abroad for the past 12 years in Abu Dhabiand St. Petersburg. Now Selim is home.

When the taxi enters Nisantasi District, which houses the St. Regis, the bustle and fashion around are indeed similar to New York. There are not only luxury brands from New York and London, but also boutique restaurants with the best service, and of course there is also an insolent energy simmering in this ancient city.



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