

Keppler, Paris



在距离香榭丽舍大街仅400多米的开普勒街10号,一栋被称为Ke p pl e r 的19 世纪奥斯曼风格建筑身处繁华却安享静谧。享誉国际的设计大师皮埃尔罗雄(Pierre Yves Rochon)先生以他的神奇之手,将其改造为一处别致精巧的款客居所 —巴黎开普勒酒店。

法兰西人大概是世界上最善于用黑与白来演绎优雅情调的民族,无论是香奈儿的经典黑白系列还是埃菲尔铁塔与凯旋门的黑白遥相对比。开普勒作为一间仅有39间房的精品酒店,依旧毫不含糊地浓缩了顶级室内设计大师皮埃尔罗雄(Pierre Yves Rochon)对颜色运用的深厚功底。




House Of Elegance Alongside ChampsElysees

In just over 400 meters from the Champs Elysees, No.10 on Kepler Street, a 19thcentury Ottomanstyle building is housed among the grand area. World renowned designer Mr. Pierre Yves Rochon, with his magical hands, has transformed the building to a chic and sophisticated hotel–Keppler, Paris.

French people is probably the world‘ s most adept at using black and white to interpretate the elegant ambience of the nation, whether it is the classic Chanel or the comparison between the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. As a boutique hotel with just 39 rooms, Pierre Yves Rochon has shown his mastery over color. From the facade to the entrance hall, lobby and bookstore, from the conference room to the rooms and suites, the elegant colors of black and white are present. The ceiling, walls and the main sofa area that accounted for the largest area, are mostly in white colors, allowing a bright open space and softer lighting. Decorative items such as closet, tables and bar are made of detailed dark material, forming a sophisticated contrast.

For those who wonder if the color black and white and the geometric lines may be dull, you will know otherwise when you enter the room. When you see a whole floor of red carpet, the mirror edge and sofa cushion with zebra patterns, the lacquer vase and wild African animal sculptures, you will only crave more of its eyecatching designs. Especially when you are in the ”Red Suite”, the classic French red and black will amaze you indeed



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