

Jumeirah Vittaveli Maldives




卓美亚维塔维丽酒店是卓美亚集团在继七星帆船酒店卓美亚德瓦娜芙希酒店之后的又一杰作。一直将“尽享非凡”作为品牌理念的卓美亚,在马尔代夫也一如既往的极致奢华。与帆船酒店那种张扬的奢华相比,马尔代夫卓美亚的奢华,则是低调的内敛的甚至小清新的,是风清云淡的奢华。卓美亚维塔维丽酒店荣获2016年马尔代夫领先水疗度假酒店世界旅游大奖;2016年马尔代夫岛屿度假酒店奢华之最世界豪华酒店大奖;2016 年绿色环球可持续旅游认证等多项殊荣,也以此证明了卓美亚集团的卓越地位。

卓美亚维塔维丽酒店是由一连串的珍珠般的环礁组成的天堂乐园。酒店设计灵感源自斯里兰卡国际著名建筑师Geoffrey Bawa,设计者的用意是精心打造一座隐秘的“双度假岛屿”,包括主岛以及距离主岛不远,被长达850米的天然珊瑚礁隔开的“海洋珍珠”度假村。

卓美亚维塔维丽酒店共设有43栋海滩别墅及套房46栋水上别墅及海景套房和一栋总面积达 3,500 平米,独享极致私密海岸线的五卧室皇家公寓。客房以实木地板装饰的敞亮卧室挑高屋顶开放式的浴室和花洒淋浴均遵循马尔代夫的传统式建筑理念建造设计。每间客房均设有专属泳池,并可直接进入海滩或泻湖。

私密宽敞的单卧或双卧别墅,是家庭和情侣出行的理想住所。除此之外,酒店还设有5星级的PADI潜水中心屡获殊荣的泰丽丝水疗中心和泰丽丝健身中心,以及马尔代夫最大儿童俱乐部之一的Kuda Koli儿童俱乐部。酒店最具特色的是座落在主岛旁的独立海景套房,无需担心出行问题,往返都有游艇免费接送。

Jumeirah Vittaveli Maldives

The Dazzling Emerald of the Indian Ocean

Jumeirah Vittaveli Maldives is another masterpiece of work after the sevenstar Burj Al Arab Jumeirah and Jumeirah Dhevanafushi. With ”stay different” as the brand promise, Jumeirah has maintained its usual luxury in Maldives, but in a lowprofile way compared to that of Burj Al Arab Jumeirah. Jumeirah Vittaveli Maldives has won several awards, such as the 2016 Maldives’ Leading Spa Resort at the World Travel Awards, 2016 Best Luxury Island Resort award at the World Luxury Hotel Award, 2016 Sustainability Leader Award from Green Globe Certification and many more. All these have proved the leading status of Jumeirah group.

Jumeirah Vittaveli is a heaven resort built upon a pearllike string of island atolls. The hotel designer is the famous Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa, who is inspired to create a seclusive doubleisland resort, including the main island and another oceanpearl resort divided by a natural 850m long coral reefs not far from the main island.

Jumeirah Vittaveli comprises 43 Beach Villas and Suites, 46 Water Villas and Ocean Suites, and a 3500 sqm, 5bedroom Royal Residence with its own private beach. The rooms are decorated with hardwood flooring, raised ceilings, open bathroom, overhead shower head, all in accordance with the traditional architecture philosophy of the Maldives island. Every guest room has its private pool, and has direct access to the beach or the lagoon.

The private and spacious single bedroom or double bedroom Villas are the ideal residences for both family and couples. Besides, the hotel also has five star PADI Dive Center, multiawards Talise Spa and Talise Fitness, and‘Kuda Koli Kids Club’, the largest kids club in Maldives. The most special residence is the Ocean suites, set above the crystalline waters of the lagoon, which is only a heartbeat away from the main island and accessible by complimentary boat service.



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