

Hotel Lungarno



在全城罕有的,幸免于大战炮火的著名地标“老桥”Ponte Vecchio 与天主圣三一桥 Ponte Santa Trinità 之间,由菲拉格慕集团经营的佛罗伦萨朗伽诺酒店紧邻阿诺河畔,以品牌和家族深厚的美学与艺术积淀搭配美景,像一艘游船从时光深处驶来,开启一程轻盈而优雅的航行。


2017年,集团对迎客半世纪的它进行了历时六个月的翻修。同是佛罗伦萨出身的设计师米歇尔・博南Michele Bönan先铺设新古典主义的基调,再涂抹菲拉格慕的情感与梦想色彩。从20世纪50年代的柔美平和,到70年代“意大利制造”随社会风潮的激荡而崭露头角,意式美学以热情与创造力扬名于世,历史中的一个个足印勾勒出品牌的成长轨迹,也沉淀为酒店时髦而不失隽永的独特气质。跻身以成员个性强烈著称的SLH全球奢华精品酒店联盟,自是顺理成章。


寻访毕加索科克托和布恩诺等名家的作品集合;抑或跟随波普艺术专题,探索1920世纪的设计发展。其中还能看到上世纪20年代,品牌创始人Salvatore Ferragamo返回故乡佛罗伦萨开店时委托Lucio Venna创作的宣传海报,于家族记忆与视觉传播史都有深刻意义。


既出于Salvatore第五子,这一代家族掌舵者Leonardo Ferragamo对游艇的爱好,又能最大程度配合酒店绝佳的位置与河景,室内设计主题便被选定为船舶与航行。沉静的蓝与明快的白成为用色主线,奏响传达这一印象的和弦。设计师博南将其诗意地描述为“在阿诺河上的漂游仿佛无穷无尽;而老桥始终在望,如同航标。”



酒店的Borgo San Jacopo餐厅由主厨Claudio Mengoni执掌。与菲拉格慕家族和设计师博南同样,是一位对佛罗伦萨饱含深情与自豪的本地人。在多家米其林星级餐厅积累经验后,三年前他回到家乡,用一手既注重选材鲜美合时,手法融汇古今,更不放松推敲画作般外观的地中海料理,将新的评星也一并摘下。要一张露台的餐桌,在波光水声之侧,品尝牛奶喂养的烤乳猪牛肝菌冰淇淋无花果糖蜜海胆凤尾鱼烩饭……是全方位的佛罗伦萨味道。

正餐之余,Picteau是随时欢迎来宾的小酒馆。艺术品与皮革元素的存在感,不动声色却又持续不断地散发着菲拉格慕气质。在Claudio Mengoni的简餐菜单之外,调酒师Marco Colonnelli与Vincenzo Civita创作的鸡尾酒,足以在这里唤醒另一个灵魂。来上一杯苦甜交织的尼格罗尼。历史自然艺术时尚……种种与意大利关联的标签,随这一口饮下,不再是空泛大词,而在此时此地,尽数融入血液。

The river Arno, which traverses Florence, has flowed ceaselessly for thousands of years, generously providing water sources and the convenience of navigation, and has also unleashed mighty floods to display its might. This mother river and its many bridges have become the unbroken veins of the famous city from ancient times to the present.

Between the renowned landmarks spared by the war‘s artillery, the ”Old Bridge” Ponte Vecchio and the Ponte Santa Trinità, the Lungarno Hotel in Florence, managed by the Ferragamo Group, is nestled along the river Arno. With the brand‘s and the family‘s profound aesthetic and artistic heritage complemented by the beautiful scenery, it is like a cruise ship sailing from the depths of time, embarking on a journey that is light and elegant.

Rooted in Florence, starting with handmade shoes, the luxury brand Salvatore Ferragamo, which has been in business for over a hundred years, established its own highend hotel brand ”Lungarno Collection” in 1995. Among the several hotels and apartments opened in Florence, this building dates back to the 16th century, originally a private residence, and started operating as a hotel in 1967.

In 2017, the group renovated it for six months after half a century of welcoming guests. The designer Michele Bönan from Florence first laid the foundation of neoclassicism and then painted the emotions and dreams of Ferragamo. From peaceful 1950s to the 1970s when ”Made in Italy” emerged prominently with the social trend, Italian aesthetics have become famous in the world with passion and creativity. The footprints in history outline the growth trajectory of the brand and also precipitate into the hotel‘s fashionable and enduring unique temperament. Joining as a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH),which is known for its strong personality, is naturally reasonable.

The family‘s art collection is another style code of The family‘s art collection is another style code of the hotel. As one of the largest private collections in the world, hundreds of works from Italian artists or artists with a deep relationship with Italy fill the entire hotel with a rich and unique aesthetic atmosphere.

Visit the collection of works by famous artists such as Picasso, Cocteau, and Bueno; or follow the pop art theme to explore the development of design in the 19th and 20th centuries. You can also see the promotional posters created by Lucio Venna when the brand founder Salvatore Ferragamo returned to his hometown Florence to open a store in the 1920s, which have profound significance in family memory and the history of visual communication.

If you are still not satisfied after meeting the 20thcentury Italian art here, let the hotel arrange a trip to the Ferragamo Museum.

Being the scion of Salvatore and the current family leader, Leonardo Ferragamo‘s passion for yachting, coupled with the hotel‘s exceptional location and river views, has led to an interior design theme centered on ships and navigation. The tranquil blue and bright white become the main colors, playing the chords that convey this impression. The designer Bonan poetically describes it as ”Drifting on the Arno River seems endless; and the old bridge is always in sight, like a beacon”.

Antique furniture, exquisite handicrafts, warm wood, and luxurious marble... The richness of neoclassical style and the simplicity cherished by modern life are laid out in the interior, unified and harmonized by fresh tones, filling the main space of the guest rooms with a tranquil atmosphere. When you step out onto the waterside terrace, the colors suddenly brighten, as if to emphasize the scenery with a grand frame, fitting the more vibrant mood people feel as they approach nature. The eternal flow of water and sailing meet the comfortable, peaceful, and subtly fashionable home, forming a wonderful contrast. Catching a glimpse of fish gliding through the waves with the aroma of morning coffee, and gazing at the silhouette of the old bridge and the lights on both banks at dusk, living here, one feels intimately connected to the graceful, watertown side of this city known for its magnificence.

Ascending to the rooftop terrace of the penthouse suite feels like arriving on an expansive deck, with a panoramic view of the architectural treasures of the Renaissance: Brunelleschi‘s dome, Giotto‘s bell tower, the tower of the Old Palace... Grand or slender, they stand tall through the centuries, evoking a sense of nostalgia in the observer. One can‘t help but recall the suites named after artists, where the works transition from classical complexity to refined simplicity in form and line. Without even stepping out of the hotel, the mind seems to have traveled through centuries of art history.

The hotel‘s Borgo San Jacopo restaurant is led by chef Claudio Mengoni. Like the Ferragamo family and designer Bonan, he is also a local who is full of affection and pride for Florence. After accumulating experience at several Michelinstarred restaurants, he returned to his hometown three years ago. With a culinary approach that emphasizes the freshness and seasonality of ingredients, integrates ancient and modern techniques, and pays meticulous attention to the presentation akin to a painting, he has also earned new stars. To enjoy a full range of Florentine flavors, one might reserve a table on the terrace, beside the shimmering waters and sounds, to savor milkfed roast suckling pig, porcini mushroom ice cream, fig honey, sea urchin and anchovy risotto...

In addition to the main meals, Picteau is a bistro that always welcomes guests. The presence of artworks and leather elements exudes the temperament of Ferragamo quietly yet persistently. Beyond Claudio Mengoni‘s menu, the cocktails created by bartenders Marco Colonnelli and Vincenzo Civita are enough to awaken another soul here. Have a cup of the bittersweet Negroni. History, nature, art, fashion... all these tags associated with Italy are no longer empty words, but are fully integrated into a sip at this moment and place.



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