

Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Cusco


如果有一天,你终于下定决心去南美,很可能会去举世闻名的古印加遗址马丘比丘Machu Picchu。去马丘比丘,你一定会先到古城库斯科Cusco,这座名城是秘鲁的历史首都。









2013年,经过为期两年的价值1500万美元的大规模翻新改造,库斯科印加宫豪华精选酒店开门迎客。在此之前,酒店所在建筑自20世纪中叶被秘鲁政府收回后,几十年来一直作为总督博物馆的总部,随后由秘鲁最大酒店集团Libertador Hotels, Resorts & Spas 持有。

翻新设计由拉丁美洲建筑及室内设计公司Caparra Entelman & Asociados牵头,联合秘鲁当地艺术家及手工匠人,真实反映了这座库斯科古建筑丰富的历史,印加文化与西班牙文化的邂逅令人唏嘘不已。

据统计,印加宫酒店中共有195件艺术藏品,覆盖前印加时代印加时代殖民时代和共和时代数百年历史,其中包括60幅库斯科画派Escuela Cusqueña原作,陈列在大堂回廊及部分客房中,画中的持弓天使与安第斯的神灵交织。




庭院一侧,Inti Raymi秘鲁风味餐厅仅对住客开放,裸露的花岗岩石墙延续历史的回响,传统秘鲁美食的美味不禁让客人联想,在与酒店一墙之隔的太阳神庙里,古印加人是否曾为祭司制作类似的精致膳食?

古印加石墙延续至今,在某个不经意的角落藏着印加宫的珍宝,那是唯一一块由绿色闪长岩green diorite制成的八角石,这种罕见的石材也出现在马丘比丘等重要遗址中,印加人将其保留给最重要最神圣的地方,因为他们相信,这种石头是物质世界与精神世界的连接。

同在几步之遥,印加人规模宏大的太阳神殿早已成为废墟,后来的西班牙人的圣多明哥教堂Church and Convent of Santo Domingo of Guzmán仍屹立不倒,钟楼里的钟声仍响彻云霄。

If one day you finally make up your mind to visit South America, you are likely to visit the worldrenowned ancient Inca site of Machu Picchu. To get to Machu Picchu, you will surely first arrive in the ancient city of Cusco, which is the historical capital of Peru.

In Cusco, the Palacio del Inka, a member of the Luxury Collection brand under the Marriott Group, is undoubtedly a unique choice for accommodation.

Originally, this was an important site of the Inca civilization in the early 15th century, the Temple of the Sun, Qoricancha, which was later destroyed by the Spanish colonial conquerors in the 16th century and rebuilt as the family residence of the colonial governor.

This courtyardstyle mansion now with a Spanish style has withstood nearly 500 years of wind and rain and has finally transformed into a luxury hotel, now a true epitome of Peru‘s historical culture.

Cusco was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983. This ancient city is the cradle of the Inca civilization, which became the capital of the Inca Empire in the 13th century until it was conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century.

On November 15, 1533, the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro, who captured the Inca emperor in the Battle of Cajamarca, first entered Cusco. The magnificence of the architecture and the neatness of the streets in the Inca capital amazed the Spanish. The exquisiteness of the stone carving surpassed that of Spain, and in the most majestic building, the Temple of the Sun, Qoricancha, the priests‘ quarters were inlaid with gold.

The Spanish plundered the wealth and wantonly destroyed the temples and palaces of the Incas. On the ruins, they rebuilt the churches and residences of the Spanish with the stones of the Incas, turning Cusco into a colonial stronghold and the center for spreading Christianity. Thus, a peculiar style that is based on the ancient city of Cusco and integrates the architectural style of Spanish colonization was formed and has been preserved to this day.

The Palacio del Inka is a typical example of this peculiar style. This building is just a few steps away from the Temple of the Sun, Qoricancha, and was the mansion of Gonzalo Pizarro, the brother of the conqueror Francisco Pizarro, and has long served as the Peruvian governor‘s mansion.

The stone walls and stone floor of the first floor of the Inca Palace come from the ruins of the Inca temple, and the upper buildings, including arches, stairs, patios, and colonnades, are in the Spanish colonial style. The first batch of colonialstyle stone pillars made by the Incas is here, having withstood the passage of time

In 2013, after a twoyear extensive renovation and transformation worth 15 million US dollars, the Palacio del Inka, a Luxury Collection Hotel in Cusco, opened its doors to welcome guests. Before this, the building where the hotel is located had been taken over by the Peruvian government in the mid20th century and had served as the headquarters of the Governor‘s Museum for decades, and was later held by the largest hotel group in Peru, Libertador Hotels, Resorts & Spas.

The renovation design was led by the Latin American architectural and interior design company Caparra Entelman & Asociados, in collaboration with local Peruvian artists and craftsmen, truly reflecting the rich history of this ancient building in Cusco, where the encounter between Inca culture and Spanish culture is poignant.

There are a total of 195 art collections in the Inca Palace Hotel, covering hundreds of years of history from the preInca era, the Inca era, the colonial era, and the republican era. This includes 60 original works of the Cusco School of Painting, Escuela Cusqueña, displayed in the lobby corridor and some guest rooms, where the archangels with bows are interwoven with the deities of the Andes.

The lobby under the glass dome, with its skyblue color, pays tribute to the church of Andahuaylillas near Cusco, which is known as the ”Sistine Chapel of the Americas” for its ceiling paintings.

The 203 guest rooms provide both modern comfort and cultural heritage. From handpainted ceilings, gilded antiques, vintage furniture to original works of art and rich textiles, they evoke the historical and characteristic beauty of Cusco.

The courtyard paved with ancient Inca stone slabs is a direct embodiment of the fusion of Inca relics and Spanish colonial style. In the four corners of the courtyard, there are four busts of a certain Spanish governor‘s family hidden in history.

On one side of the courtyard, the Inti Raymi Peruvian Flavor Restaurant is open only to guests. The exposed granite stone walls continue the echoes of history. The delicious traditional Peruvian cuisine makes guests think: did the ancient Incas make similar exquisite meals for the priests in the Temple of the Sun next to the hotel

The ancient Inca stone wall has continued to this day, and in a corner that is not easily noticed, there is a treasure of the Inca Palace. It is the only octagonal stone made of green diorite, a rare stone that also appears in important sites such as Machu Picchu. The Incas reserved it for the most important and sacred places because they believed that this stone is the connection between the material world and the spiritual world.

A few steps away, the grand Temple of the Sun of the Incas has long become ruins, but the Church and Convent of Santo Domingo of Guzmán built by the later Spanish still stands, and the bell in the bell tower still rings through the sky. 



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