

Prince de Galles, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Paris


诞生在世界动荡多变的一战前后,装饰艺术Art Deco一词并非仅指某种特定风格,而包含了一系列不同的审美取向。德加勒王子酒店的主立面形体规整,线形柔和,给人以沉稳安宁的印象。到了内部及客房,装饰艺术之风表现为简洁的线条生动的用色,立体主义式的几何要素,仿佛与一位巴黎女士渐渐熟识,从温文有礼的表面逐渐触及她内心的丘壑。连酒店logo都遵循这些特征,华贵中闪耀锋芒。


酒店最引以为傲的套房是巴黎独一无二的莱俪水晶套房Suite Lalique,出自著名设计师Patrick Hellmann之手,又冠以法国标志性水晶品牌之名,现代风格的极简框架盈满装饰艺术的神魂。深沉华贵的黑金基调中,水晶光彩闪烁如星。直观的美感令人炫目,更充满对历史的敬意和自豪。窗外是埃菲尔铁塔与圣心堂的风景,仿佛与床头的水滴图样饰板和桌上莱俪标志性的立体叶形果盘构成完美居住体验的拼图。种种信手拈来,又如此浑然天成。


酒店日餐厅Akira Back以主厨Akira Back为名,这位主厨生于韩国,上世纪八十年代随父母移民美国科罗拉多州,曾以挚爱的滑雪为业数年,却因受到本地最好的寿司师傅之一的Kenichi Kanada影响而将手中的滑雪板换成了寿司盘。追随师父修业多年,又到名厨林立的拉斯维加斯独立开店,他的足迹已遍布十余个国家,得到米其林指南的推崇。这次来到巴黎德加勒王子豪华精选酒店,是他带着“用新鲜味道撼动食者固有习惯”的野心,首次向欧陆食客亮出手腕。

19.20 餐厅酒吧的主厨,从2023年秋季开始由诺伯特塔雷尔Norbert Tarayre担任,这也是一位颇有传奇色彩的厨师。2012年,他凭借丰盛中充满创意的丰盛菜品登上法国电视节目《顶级厨师Top Chef》,由此开启了明星般的十年荧幕经历。如今来到巴黎德加勒王子豪华精选酒店执掌一间餐厅,再度专注于烹饪本身,致力于创作传递“美好年代”回忆的菜品,既与酒店特征完美契合,又可谓职业生涯的厚积薄发。

Born in the tumultuous period before and after World War I, the term Art Deco does not just refer to a specific style but encompasses a range of aesthetic orientations. The main façade of Prince de Galles is wellproportioned and soft in line, giving a sense of stability and tranquility. Inside the hotel and guest rooms, the Art Deco style is characterized by simple lines, vibrant colors, and geometric elements inspired by cubism, gradually revealing the richness of Parisian culture. 

Red and white, black and gold, earthy browns and grays against the blue of the sky and ocean...these contrasting colors appear in pairs, softened by natural light and the designer‘s craftsmanship. Stripes of marble, Arabianstyle carpets, sycamore wood cabinets, and numerous vintage paintings and old photographs together create a harmonious and lively space.

The hotel‘s proudest suite is the unique Suite Lalique, designed by renowned designer Patrick Hellmann and named after the iconic French crystal brand. The modern minimalist framework is filled with the soul of Art Deco, shimmering with crystal brilliance in a luxurious black and gold tone. The striking beauty is both dazzling and full of respect and pride for history. The views of the Eiffel Tower and the SacréCœur outside the window perfectly fit with the decoration. Everything comes together naturally.

The hotel spares no effort in ensuring a perfect experience for guests. Both rooms and suites offer a variety of connecting combinations, allowing for a suite with up to four bedrooms, a rare feature in Paris and particularly accommodating for large families.

The hotel‘s Japanese restaurant, Akira Back, is named after head chef Akira Back. He was born in South Korea and immigrated to Colorado, United States with his parents in the 1980s and worked as a professional snowboarder for several years. Influenced by one of the best local sushi chefs, Kenichi Kanada, he switched from his snowboard to a sushi board. After years of apprenticeship under his mentor, he opened his own restaurant in the competitive culinary scene of Las Vegas. His culinary journey has taken him to over a dozen countries and earned him praise from the Michelin Guide. His ambition to challenge diners‘ tastes with fresh flavors has brought him to Prince de Galles.

Starting from the fall of 2023, Norbert Tarayre, a legendary chef, has taken over as head chef of Restaurant & Bar 19.20. In 2012, he appeared on the French TV show Top Chef showcasing his rich and innovative dishes, leading to a decade of his screen fame. Now, at Prince de Galles, he focuses on creating dishes that evoke memories of Belle Époque, aligning perfectly with the hotel‘s characteristics and marking a significant milestone in his career.



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