Zannier Hotels Omaanda
2018年夏天,经好莱坞著名女星安吉丽娜・朱莉Angelina Jolie牵线搭桥,非洲赞尼尔酒店集团Zannier Hotels旗下的赞尼尔奥曼达酒店Zannier Hotels Omaanda悄然开业。
酒店距离纳米比亚首都温得和克Windhoek只有半小时车程,但已是赞尼尔自然保护区Zannier Reserve by N/a‘an ku sê内的一块高地,拥有着非洲最为壮美的热带稀树草原。
In the summer of 2018, with the help of Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, Zannier Hotels Omaanda quietly opened. The hotel is only a halfhour drive from Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, but it is located on a highland within the Zannier Reserve by N/a›an ku sê, boasting the most magnificent tropical savannah in Africa.
The name of the hotel, Omaanda, means ”Rhino” in the Namibian language, the white rhino is the star among the Namibian wildlife.