



维拉德佩别墅酒店是一家专注于低调奢华与私密的精品酒店。著名室内设计师布鲁诺・博里奥纳Bruno Borrione全权操持了内部空间和家具的设计。根植于艺术街区的酒店自然不会缺少艺术品的加持,Amélie du Chalard作为艺术品主理人挑选了11位艺术家,创作了约50幅抽象艺术作品,每间客房内都悬挂着独一无二的原作。





VilladesPrés is a boutique hotel that focuses on understated luxury and privacy. Renowned interior designer Bruno Borrione oversaw the design of the interior spaces and furniture. Rooted in the artistic district, the hotel naturally features artworks curated by Amélie du Chalard, with 11 artists selected to create approximately 50 abstract art pieces, each guest room adorned with a unique original piece.

For a hotel with only 34 rooms and suites, Bruno describes his design as ”like a perfume”. Each delineated space in the rooms feels like a different scent, blending into a special atmosphere. The villastyle hotel hidden in the city center emphasizes comfort and privacy in contrast to the outside bustle, with rich warmcolored furnishings featuring expensive custommade furniture, and subtly integrating the design concept of lacquer that is familiar to the Chinese.

Bruno says: ”I don‘t think I have ever designed so many pieces of furniture at the same time”. Stepping into the rooms, one can instantly feel the highend texture of various objects, as the vibrant artistic elements blend a taste of lowkey luxury, creating an immersive and relaxing ambiance.

Compared to the outdoors‘ hustle and bustle, the rooms are particularly quiet, a contrast achieved during the hotel‘s renovation. To absorb the inevitable noise and vibrations of the city center, the structures above ground level were completely dismantled and reconstructed, utilizing acoustic principles to maximize the hotel‘s guest experience.

If you love the vibrant atmosphere of Rue de Buci, simply open the hermetically sealed double floortoceiling windows, and the lively ambiance will instantly sweep in.



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