

Madi Paidi Bangkok


在曼谷的高级社区里,有一条叫Paidee Madee的巷子,巷子的尽头坐落着泰国首家傲途格精选酒店,曼谷玛迪派迪Madi Paidi Bangkok,门头精致小巧完全融入了街区的建筑群落中。


Madi是乘兴而来,Paidi是尽兴而归,酒店的名字也是酒店的广告语,就像万豪集团的bon voyage一样,承载着店家对所有住客最美好的祝愿,而亚洲人喜欢这种对仗式,也贯穿了整个酒店的设计。酒店一边是热闹的街,一边是安静的街,地下的瓷砖半边黑半边白,最精妙的是,客人经走廊进入客房区域时看到的是Madi的图景,同一条走廊在离开的时候看到的是Paidi的图景。


In the upscale community of Bangkok, there is an alley called Paidee Madee by the local, where the first Autograph Collection hotel in Thailand, Madi Paidi Bangkok, is nestled, with its delicate facade seamlessly integrating into the architectural cluster of the neighborhood.

The Autograph Collection hotels, as the name suggests, represent a unique personal signature. Guests can expect a fresh experience at every Autograph Collection hotel as there are no two identical in the world. Bangkok‘s Autograph Collection hotel is particularly elegant and serene, offering a unique style that sets it apart from other Autograph Collection hotels in East Asia. 

Madi represents the joy of arrival, while Paidi embodies the fulfillment upon departure. The hotel‘s name also serves as its slogan, similar to Marriott Group‘s ”bon voyage” carrying the best wishes to all guests. Asians appreciate this symmetrical style, which is reflected throughout the hotel‘s design. One side of the hotel faces a lively street, while the other side is adjacent to a tranquil alley. The underground tiles are half black and half white, and the most exquisite design is that guests entering the room area through the corridor are greeted by Madi‘s imagery, while on their way out, they see Paidi‘s imagery.

This exquisite hotel has 56 rooms divided into three color schemes: red, yellow, and green, representing the three most auspicious gemstone colors favored by the Thai people. Every room, from the decorations to the tea bags and soap, follows the same color scheme. The green gemstone rooms are suites, while the remaining rooms in the other two colors cover various room types. Within the same color sequence, the interiors of the rooms also differ. Being newly opened in September 2023, the rooms have brandnew facilities, and the interior design places great emphasis on details, even to the extent of adorning the wardrobes with wallpaper featuring Thai landscapes from 100 years ago.



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